Liza: It kills me to see him move on, but that’s the reality.
Maggie: Maybe there’s another reality where we just don’t bring him that passport.
Liza: I love him, Maggie. It’s not right to stand in his way.
Maggie: But you don’t have to carry him to the altar, Liza. I mean you’re torturing yourself.
Liza: I’m going to say goodbye.

Maggie: I’m giving Kelsey some of my old pots and pans for her new place.
Liza: Kelsey doesn’t cook.
Maggie: Well, she does smoke weed, so anything can happen.

Charles: I am so sorry, Quinn. I don’t know how this happened.
Quinn: Is this how it’s going to be? I’m going to make all these romantic plans and charter a plane and make hotel reservations and dinner reservations, and you’re not going to be able to get it together enough to remember your passport?
Charles: Like I said, I assumed I had it. I apologize.
Quinn: Well, like I always say to my employees, if you do it right the first time, you don’t have to apologize.

Max: So you’re the head of publicity at Empirical now? That must be a huge job.
Lauren: Yeah, promoting books at a time when people can just as easily join an oculus orgy feels a bit like magic, but I’m a witch.
Max: You are still the funniest person I’ve ever met.
Lauren: How funny is this?
Max: Hey, let’s get out of here.
Lauren: No, not yet.

Liza: Did you do something with Charles’s passport?
Pauline: Me?
Liza: Your voice just went up an octave.
Pauline: Liza, I had to. Anything to stop that trip. He’s going to propose to her. Did you see that freaking ring?
Liza: Pauline.
Pauline: Liza, I’m buying you time. Don’t worry. I have the perfect plan. You wait a week or so, and then you just slip the passport between his office couch cushions. He’ll assume it fell out of his bag, and he’ll never know it was us.
Liza: Us? I had nothing to do with this. I don’t even know where the passport is.
Pauline: Check your FedEx tray.

Charles: About last night, I am sorry if things got too familiar.
Liza: No, it’s all… we’re good.
Charles: I can’t stop thinking about Inkubator. You really have created something so special.
Liza: That’s just the terrestrial. We also have a podcast and an app.
Charles: I would love to see the full picture. Any chance you and Kelsey could put together a brief presentation for me?
Liza: Absolutely.

Josh: You broke up with Clare pretty easily. Are you planning on being a little more careful with Kels, yeah?
Rob: That’s not really a question.
Josh: It’s not really.
Rob: I’m pretty sure Kelsey can handle herself.
Josh: Yeah, I just hope you’re planning on being a little more careful.

Pauline: It was a mistake when you and Charles split up. When he looks at you, I can see it in his eyes. He’s still in love with you.
Liza: Is that why you wanted to meet?
Pauline: I feel like I’m part of the reason you two aren’t together.
Liza: Pauline, it wasn’t you.
Pauline: Come on, I was a big problem. Liza, you two are meant to be. True love is supposed to win. Now that I’ve found mine I want to pay it forward.
Liza: You are a great writer, and that is a great story, but you cannot tell someone else’s story for them. Charles is with Quinn.
Pauline: I can tell you what’s happening with that story, and it needs a rewrite. When I was at the townhouse earlier picking up the girls, I saw an engagement ring. I think Charles is going to propose to Quinn which would be a huge mistake. Liza, the clock is ticking. He’s not really in love with Quinn; he’s in love with you. Let me help you make things right.
Liza: That is a lovely thought, but I have to go now.

Liza: Pauline, I’m on my way to the airport.
Pauline: Oh my god, that’s so romantic. A mad dash to the airport to keep him from leaving with the wrong woman. Gosh, I love it.
Liza: No, I am bringing him his passport so he can go.
Pauline: What? No, we were so close. You’re ruining the plan.

Denise: Your poor father. He’s never going to get to be a grandpa or walk you down the aisle.
Lauren: Mom, everything can’t turn into a conversation about me being unmarried.
Denise: I know. I just want you to have someone by your side through life like I had with your father. I mean at your age it’s musical chairs.
Lauren: I’m only 30.
Denise: But when the music stops, I want you to have somewhere to put your butt.
Lauren: Oh my god.

Charles: I couldn’t get on that plane.
Liza: What? Why?
Charles: Because I was with the wrong person.
Liza: But you were going to ask her to marry you in Mustique. You have a ring.
Charles: What are you talking about? I’m not proposing to Quinn. I honestly don’t even think I like the woman. The only ring I ever had was the one I bought for you.
Liza: Charles.
Charles: Liza, I have been a fool, and I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that. Forget marriage. I just want to be with you any way that you want, any way, if you will still have me.

Liza: You look nauseous.
Kelsey: Well, I don’t want this to peak too soon. We still don’t have a way to get Dylan’s book to readers.
Liza: We’re doing it online, aren’t we?
Kelsey: We can’t just throw it up on a Wix site and call it a day.
Liza: Totally. What’s a Wix site?
Kelsey: Lauren is finding someone to help me build the app, and hopefully, a cheap someone since I spent all my money on Dylan’s advance.

Younger Season 7 Quotes

Kelsey: Do you think it’s a mistake to go back to Millennial?
Lauren: And piss of a bipolar billionaire that agreed to fund your company? Of course not.
Josh: I think Clare’s trying to kidnap Gemma.
Kelsey and Lauren: What?
Josh: Yeah, she just texted me. She wants me to sign off on an expedited passport so she can take Gemma to Ireland to meet the family. Do you think I should be worried?
Lauren: Yes.
Kelsey: No, it’s perfectly normal that Clare would want Gemma to meet her family.
Lauren: OK, and since when has there ever been anything normal about Clare?
Josh: Maybe I should just go to Ireland. Just in case to be safe.
Kelsey: So you are freaking out about turning 30. I have to go screw over a mercurial billionaire, but you win.
Josh: Wait, you’re turning 30?

Charles: Well, I think I got my answer.
Liza: The answer is I love you, but technically you’re not even divorced yet.
Charles: Yeah, that’s true.
Liza: I also think you might be a little drunk.
Charles: Absolutely buzzed, and you’re avoiding the question.
Liza: It is the most beautiful question I have ever heard, but I have a daughter I need to talk to, and you have to speak to your girls as well. We don’t have to rush. I’m not going anywhere.
Charles: Fine, you know how I feel. Sometimes I can be impatient when I know what I want, but I understand. So you can consider the proposal officially withdrawn.
Liza: Wait, are you un-asking me to marry you?
Charles: Yep, so that when you’re ready, you can pop the question.