Cass: I won’t stay if you don’t want me to. I just came to say how very sorry I am for the way I behaved. I don’t know what came over me.
Maggie: Well, it wasn’t your wife. That’s for damn sure.
Cass: For the record ex-wife. We’re separating.
Maggie: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Cass: I’m not. I was so focused on trying to make her happy that I never questioned if I was happy myself.
Maggie: Well, were you?
Cass: I was miserable. Why does everyone want to date younger women? It’s so draining. No offense, your Lauren’s great.
Maggie: Lauren is great, but she’s not mine.
Cass: Oh, wow, OK, well you got a hot show. She got a rave from Clive Wexler, and you’re single. Congratulations on the review. That’s huge.

Clare: How long? Were you screwing him when you were holding my hand at brunch?
Josh: Clare, Gemma’s trying to sleep.
Clare: Oh, did you know about this?
Josh: No, of course not.
Clare: Was it going on before that? Are we true tunnel sisters now?
Josh: I don’t think tunnel sisters has a temporal requirement.
Kelsey: You said that it was a mature breakup.
Clare: It’s just a thing you say. It’s not a greenlight to every blond woman in the tri-state area to begin the hunt.
Kelsey: That’s not fair.
Clare: Is that why you took me out to brunch? To see how long you were going to have to wait?
Kelsey: No, I was trying to be friendly.
Clare: You are not my friend.

Kelsey: You should have seen the way Josh looked at me. It was… I felt so guilty, and I’m gonna feel that way every time she comes over for Gemma.
Liza: Well, maybe it’s time for you to get your own place. You’ve been looking.
Kelsey: With what money? I spent my down payment on Dylan. When did I screw my life up this bad? I was publisher 10 minutes ago, now I’m sleeping on someone’s couch. I’m almost 30. What happened?
Liza: Well, look on the bright side. I was 40 when I sought asylum here. You have a full decade before you have to create a new identity.

Liza: The draw is completely random. We can’t stack it because we don’t know what we’re looking for until we hear it. That’s what makes it exciting. We’re not looking for something marketable; we’re just waiting for something to inspire us, you know.
Charles: I do or I used to. Publishing has been so fragile for so long, and I’ve had to focus too much lately on blockbusters and safe bets just to keep the lights on. It is not quite as romantic as your Brooklyn roundtable.
Liza: Well, you’re running a business. You have to lead with your head, not your heart. We have a freedom that you don’t because Inkubator isn't a business.
Charles: Yeah, but I think that it could be. Empirical is on solid footing, and I think that we’ve earned a little leeway from our investors to follow our heart more.
Liza: What are you saying?
Charles: I’m saying that I want to bring Inkubator into the company. Maybe it is an imprint. Maybe it’s just a talent magnet. But you have proven it’s valuable, and with Azalea King on the roster, I think we can convince Chicago to get onboard.

Kelsey: If I had been within arms’ reach, he would have patted me on the head, and now we have to go to dinner and listen to him mansplain why Inkubator’s a good idea. We know. We created it.
Liza: Or he’s ready to start publishing Inkubator authors.
Kelsey: So long as they’re already famous. He’s gonna poach Azalea and keep ignoring us.

Liza: Is this really just about Inkubator?
Charles: Liza, I am just trying to run my business here.
Liza: Why don’t you come tonight? Maybe if you saw it up close, you’d realize it’s not a big deal. It’s actually kind of fun.
Charles: I have to see if I’m available.
Liza: I’ll tell you what. I am just going to write down the address and password for tonight, and if you can make it, great,
Charles: I am not saying this.
Liza: Oh yeah, you kind of have to say the password. It’s part of the whole gestalt.

Maggie: This is how it ends. Death in exile.
Liza: Stop, you’re being dramatic. You’re still a vibrant and relevant artist.
Maggie: I’m a cautionary tale.

Charles: As if it’s that easy.
Liza: Isn't it, if you want it to be.
Charles: I don’t know what I want.
Liza: I’m so sorry. It’s none of my business.
Charles: No, don’t apologize.
Liza: I just made it weird.
Charles: No, you didn’t.
Liza: I only meant… do whatever makes you happy. That’s all I want. It doesn’t matter how you get there.

Lauren: I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you’ve got 40 seconds before Maggie notices you and unsheathes whatever’s in her boot.
Cass: What?
Lauren: Thirty-five seconds. It’s usually a switchblade, but given how comprehensively you’ve ruined her life, she may have graduated to something gnarlier, serrated.
Cass: I’m not here… I’m not here.
Lauren: Twenty-five seconds. The reason that you’re here is irrelevant because you’re leaving as fast as those shapely legs can get you to the safety of the back alley there, OK. You’ve got 25 seconds.
Cass: I’m going. I’ve seen what I needed to see.

Lauren: Is he still sniffing around? Why can’t guys just take no for an answer? I’m sorry, you did say no, right? You’re not dating the ex of the perfect STEM angel who’s doing free labor for you, right?
Kelsey: I tried not to like him.
Lauren: Kelsey.
Kelsey: I did, but he’s sweet and funny, and I don’t feel the need to impress him. I am so sick of dating these guys who are hypercompetitive and belittle my ambition and feel the need to crush it. And with Rob, it’s just uncomplicated.
Lauren: Except it’s not.
Kelsey: Well, if it was reversed, I’d tell Clare to go for it.
Lauren: That is a very gracious thing to hypothetically do for Clare, and you know what, maybe she’ll be the bigger person, but not if she doesn’t know about it, Kelsey. You have to tell her about this soon.

Liza: You look nauseous.
Kelsey: Well, I don’t want this to peak too soon. We still don’t have a way to get Dylan’s book to readers.
Liza: We’re doing it online, aren’t we?
Kelsey: We can’t just throw it up on a Wix site and call it a day.
Liza: Totally. What’s a Wix site?
Kelsey: Lauren is finding someone to help me build the app, and hopefully, a cheap someone since I spent all my money on Dylan’s advance.

Clare: What’s going on?
Kelsey: I’ve been trying to talk to you about this, and I didn’t exactly know how to broach it. Rob and I are seeing each other casually. Well, not casually, but not formally.
Clare: Oh my god.
Kelsey: I know it might seem odd to you, but you guys have been broken up for a while, and you said it was amicable.

Younger Season 7 Quotes

Kelsey: Do you think it’s a mistake to go back to Millennial?
Lauren: And piss of a bipolar billionaire that agreed to fund your company? Of course not.
Josh: I think Clare’s trying to kidnap Gemma.
Kelsey and Lauren: What?
Josh: Yeah, she just texted me. She wants me to sign off on an expedited passport so she can take Gemma to Ireland to meet the family. Do you think I should be worried?
Lauren: Yes.
Kelsey: No, it’s perfectly normal that Clare would want Gemma to meet her family.
Lauren: OK, and since when has there ever been anything normal about Clare?
Josh: Maybe I should just go to Ireland. Just in case to be safe.
Kelsey: So you are freaking out about turning 30. I have to go screw over a mercurial billionaire, but you win.
Josh: Wait, you’re turning 30?

Charles: Well, I think I got my answer.
Liza: The answer is I love you, but technically you’re not even divorced yet.
Charles: Yeah, that’s true.
Liza: I also think you might be a little drunk.
Charles: Absolutely buzzed, and you’re avoiding the question.
Liza: It is the most beautiful question I have ever heard, but I have a daughter I need to talk to, and you have to speak to your girls as well. We don’t have to rush. I’m not going anywhere.
Charles: Fine, you know how I feel. Sometimes I can be impatient when I know what I want, but I understand. So you can consider the proposal officially withdrawn.
Liza: Wait, are you un-asking me to marry you?
Charles: Yep, so that when you’re ready, you can pop the question.