Miguel: So if you win we just train Eagle Fang, there's no Miyagi Do.
Johnny: That's right, Pontiac.
Miguel: But what if I don't want to stop learning Miyagi-do.
Johnny: What the hell are you saying? You want him to win?
Miguel: No, I guess the way I see it no matter who wins nobody wins
Johnny: Somebody always wins. That's how fights work. No matter what ancient philosophical bullshit LaRusso has been feeding you

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Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 5: "Match Point "
Cobra Kai
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Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Daniel: You know we don't agree with aggression that's not how we act.
Sam: Maybe that's not how you act, but I can make my own decisions.

Amanda: What happened?
Daniel: Terry Silver happened. He's this certified wack job from my past who come back to Cobra Kai.
Amanda: Another one? Seriously, Daniel? Are there any other Cobra Kais from your past who are going to come out of the woodwork and destroy our lives?
Daniel: No. Well, I can't say that for sure.
Amanda: Oh my god.