There’s one thing I’ve fantasized about doing but never have. I’ve always wanted to make it on a bed of money.
[Reggie kisses Veronica on the bed of money]


Hiram: You’re turning against your own blood like this, Miha? I blame Archie. This is his influence.
Veronica: Don’t. We broke up. This is all me.

Veronica: Archie, I think we should take a beat until we figure out what we’re doing. We shouldn’t rush this.
Archie: Maybe we go back to dating and having fun like we used to?
Veronica: That’s a sweet idea, but we’re not in high school anymore.

[To Hiram] If Archie dies, you die.


Chad: Veronica, you little…
Veronica: I’m gonna stop you right there, Chad. Because whatever you think I am, doesn’t come close to what you are … which is scum. A worthless pathetic little worm. You stole money from your investors to, what, finance Copter Cab? But what a surprise, in the end you couldn’t pull it off. That’s your problem in a nutshell, you can’t land anything! You’ll never be an alpha, Chad. You’re a born beta.

Veronica: As I said, I’m hosting an exclusive by-invitation-only auction. The centerpiece of which will be some palladium doubloons I’ve acquired. Some of my guests have been asking about the palladium’s origins and I want to say that it came from your mines.
Cheryl: Not a problem! I’m always happy to let you namedrop my family in order to screw over your father.

Veronica: SoDale? What are you talking about?
Reggie: The thing about SoDale is it doesn’t exist. It’s a money-filled with no construction. Your dad sold his investors on a vision of something that will never be built. He’s using the money to fund his crazy search for Palladium.

Hermione: “Hiram” sounds nice. Strong, unique. But “Lott”? I think you can do better. How about something statelier? Like, “Lodge”?
Hiram: Hiram Lodge. It’s not half bad.

Hiram: Hey, Hermione!
Hermione: You can ask me out every day, Jaime, but my answer will always be the same. No.
Hiram: Come on, why not?
Hermione: My mother sorta forbids it. She said she doesn’t want me to date the son of a man who shines shoes for a living.

Alice: He seems so calm.
Hermione: It’s shock, I think. He hasn’t said much since it happened.
Alice: Such a tragedy.
Penelope: I suppose, but you know what they say about playing with fire.
Hermione: What are you saying, Penelope?
Penelope: I’m just pointing out one day he can’t rub two nickels together and the next he’s driving a fancy sports car and taking you out on the town. We all know the truth: your boyfriend is a gangster. I mean, what did Jaime think when he started working with criminals?
Hermione: His name is Hiram!

Veronica: So, we’re still feeling good about our decision? To hold off until my divorce is final.
Archie: Yeah, but I am torn.
Veronica: Well then, I better work on making this divorce happen as fast as humanely possible.

Veronica: I always wondered. You didn’t crash on purpose, did you?
Chad: Why would you think that?! We almost died…
Veronica: Because then we’d be together forever. In a different way.

Camila Mendes Quotes

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!
