Ace: When did you first know you had feelings for me? Was it that day in the warehouse before DetectiveCon?
Nancy: Earlier. After we defeated the wraith. You had been there for me so many times, but that one was… You know, I went to your house that day. I had this whole awkward speech prepared. But when I got there, you’d already left to go on that road trip with Amanda. God, I was jealous of Amanda.
Ace: I was jealous of Gill. And Park.
Nancy: How about you? When did you know? Was it after you drank Karen’s fake poison for me?
Ace: Earlier. The day you made the volcano erupt.
Nancy: That long?
Ace: That long.

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Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew Season 4 Episode 3: "The Danger of the Hopeful Sigil"
Nancy Drew
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Nancy Drew Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Nancy: I know it seems impossible, but has the impossible ever stopped us?
Ace: That’s a good point. I still remember seeing you in high school. You were working on that like a podium, powder, the volcano. I was a senior. You were a sophomore, and you refused to quit until that thing erupted in actual flames.
Nancy: I didn’t realize I was on your radar in high school.
Ace: You stood out.

Hey, Jessie and Birdie. Wannabe Harriette Potters. You two fake witches want to explain why you dragged me out here?
