Liz: Are you all right Diane?
Diane: Liz, I have never been better. Don’t you know that cancer is cured?
Adrian: Yes, but the administration’s not telling us how or when.
Liz: Lucca is worried about you. Should we be?
Diane: Oh no, no, no. I just had this weird dream.
Liz: Lucca said Trump was president. How’d that go?
Diane: Oh my god, he kept calling Nazis very fine people, and he aided a senate campaign for a child molester, and he put children in cages.
Adrian: Why?
Diane: Immigration policy, and uh anti-Semitism and racism were on the rise.
Liz: And where were the Obamas during all of this?
Diane: They had an overall deal at Netflix.

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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 1: "The Gang Deals with Alternate Reality"
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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Diane: I dreamt that Donald Trump was our president.
Marissa: Ha, really, how’d that go?

Diane: Uh Marissa, I need to ask you a question.
Marissa: OK.
Diane: Who’s president?
Marissa: Who?
Diane: Yes.
Marissa: Diane, are you microdosing again?
Diane: No, well maybe. I don’t know. Isn’t Trump president?
Marissa: Haha, no.
Diane: So it’s Hillary?
Marissa: Yes.