Jane: Back when Quentin first came to Fillory, in the very first timeline, he was running from grief. His best friend had died tragically.
Eliot: Julia.
Jane: You, a victim of your own vices. I was worried that I was taking advantage of him, of his sorrow. So the first change I made was to save you, to see if he would still answer Fillory’s call, and he did, and then he died 39 times. I’d hoped this time would be different.
Eliot: It still could be. You saved him 39 times. Why not 40?
Jane: Because he won. If you took away his sacrifice, you’d lose everything that it brought you. Your life and the lives of everyone around you. Same with your friends Josh, and was it Flenn?
Eliot: It was not.
Jane: You have to let go of the past Eliot. Let the dead stay dead. Time is a motherfucker, isn’t it?

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The Magicians Season 5 Episode 2: "The Wrath of the Time Bees"
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The Magicians Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Eliot: This isn’t real.
Fen: Eliot. Hey.
Eliot: Hey. How are you talking right now?
Fen: I’m dead, not rude.
Eliot: Oh, you’re a ghost.
Fen: Am I?
Eliot: Sorry.
Fen: It’s hard to be mad. I was a terrible High King, or that’s what a lot of people screamed at me, and a lot of strangers screaming at you can’t be wrong.
Eliot: Right.
Fen: Eliot: This isn’t real.
Fen: Eliot. Hey.
Eliot: Hey. How are you talking right now?
Fen: I’m dead, not rude.
Eliot: Oh, you’re a ghost.
Fen: Am I?
Eliot: Sorry.
Fen: It’s hard to be mad. I was a terrible High King, or that’s what a lot of people screamed at me, and a lot of strangers screaming at you can’t be wrong.
Eliot: Right.
Fen: Anyhoo, they hung me. Fen out bitches.

Alice: Quentin?
Young Quentin: Where am I? Where are my pants? If this is a dream – and it seems like it’s a dream – shouldn’t knowing it’s a dream wake me up? Unless it’s a lucid dream, like that episode of Voyager, or I’ve been kidnapped by aliens who are trying to get secrets out of me like that other episode of Voyager. Something wrong?
Alice: No, it’s just you sound like someone I used to know.