Sue: Emily, this could be the man to put you in the spotlight.
Emily: You mean publish my poems?
Sue: Yes, Emily, it’s time. You need to share your writing with the world.
Emily: You know I can’t publish. My father won’t approve.
Sue: Don’t give me that old excuse. You’re an adult now. You have to make your own choices. You can’t let your father stand in the way.
Emily: I’m not. I can’t.
Sue: You can. Your poems are works of genius. You owe them to the world to let them be seen.
Emily: I don’t need the world to see them. I only need you.
Sue: Well, I can’t be your only reader anymore. It’s not enough. You need more, and that’s why I’ve invited this man tonight. This man who is going to fall in love with your poems.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 1: "Before I got my eye put out"
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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Edward: You really are a poet. You write all the time these days. Well, what do you with all these poems? You never show them to me.
Emily: I couldn’t show them to you.
Edward: Why not?
Emily: You wouldn’t understand them.
Edward: Oh, well, you’re probably right. I just hope you find someone who can understand them.
Emily: Well, don’t worry. I have someone. I do.

Ship: I’m glad you asked. I came here for you.
Lavinia: I’m surprised you even remember me.
Ship: Of course I remember you. You’re the most pure, simple, quiet, traditional girl I ever knew, and that is why I want to make you my wife.
Lavinia: Ship, Ship, we hooked up once. Then you hooked up with someone else the same night.
Ship: That wasn’t very chivalrous of me. You’ll see I’ve changed, Lavinia. I’m not that college dropout that got drunk and tobogganed into a lake. I’m a serious adult man with entrepreneurial instincts and a profound respect for women who embody traditional values such as submissiveness, chastity, and willingness to do household chores.
Lavinia: I’m not even like that.
Ship: You’re Lavinia Dickinson. You have tea parties for your cats.
Lavinia: Well, yes, but I’ve changed too.
Ship: Oh, and how have you changed?
Lavinia: I’ll show you.
Ship: Whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t you think we should wait until marriage?
Lavinia: Henry ‘Ship’ Shipley, I don’t think you have any idea who you’re dealing with.