We're told not to bring our work home with us. Nor to bring our home to work with us. We're told that we have to set our own turbulent world aside for the day, place it on a shelf with all of our worries and fears, pick it up and dust it off when we get home after a long shift. We're told our private life shouldn't affect the care we give. But who we are, where we come from, this is how we care. The impossible conundrum of caring for others when we don't have the first clue how to care for ourselves.


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Nurses Season 1 Episode 3: "Friday Night Legend"
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Nurses Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes, Nurses Quotes
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Nurses Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

For the record, I'm not a dog.

Naz (After her patient rings a bell for her)

People like to compare nurses to saints; do-gooders selflessly caring for others. Problem with this is, it's just not human. And, I mean, how can you not make a total mess of your personal life when the job takes everything you've got?
