What if we made it about ourselves for a change?! Now, Barry. You're gonna tell that story from Afghanistan. The rest of you? You're gonna find your sheep-fucker moments. Then we'll take them all and we are going to mold them into a show that we will play in front of a paying audience and the occasional VIP comp.


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Barry Season 2 Episode 2: "The Power of No"
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Barry Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Gene: OK. I know you were just a fetus, but is this close to your experience?
Natalie: From what I can remember, yes.

Barry: Am I evil?
Hank: Huh?
Barry: Am I like, an evil person?
Hank: Oh my God! I mean. Absolutely! Do I not tell you that enough? You are like the most evil guy I know, man!
Barry: You know, I take no pleasure in killing people. You know that, right?