Julius: You were…
Uber driver: A federal judge, Judge Itzelitz.
Julius: Oh my god. I have an appeal in front of you.
Uber driver: Three years ago, right?
Julius: Yes. You ruled against me. What happened?
Uber driver: You mean why am I an Uber driver?
Julius: Yes… Memo 618.
Uber driver: I was in the middle of an appeal, a pharmaceutical case, fairly easy, opioids. I was about to rule against them when I got the memo. Pretty clear they wanted me to rule the other way, but I wasn’t going to do it.
Julius: They, meaning who?
Uber driver: No idea. Then in two weeks another judge filed a complaint of misconduct with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Said I took bribes, a dozen witnesses, all lying, but there was evidence. I was given the chance to walk away without a scandal but also without a pension, so I signed, I took it; they had me. I stood by my ideals and here I am. $45,000 per year, pre-tax. That’s working 60 hours a week. Tips are good. Sometimes I can go out to dinner with my wife. If I had to do it over again… whatever memo they send you, do it.

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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 2: "The Gang Tries to Serve a Subpoena"
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Firth: So what do you want to do now Diane?
Diane: Get back to work.
Firth: What work?
Diane: My clients, my old cases. My partners picked up the slack while I was recovering, but now I’m back.
Firth: Ever heard of Ryōkan, the Zen master?
Diane: No.
Firth: He lived a simple life in a hut at the foot of a hill. One evening a thief broke in only to discover there was nothing to steal. Ryōkan surrendered his clothes to him as a gift. After the thief ran away Ryōkan was left sitting naked watching the moon. And he thought, ‘Poor fellow. I wish I could him this beautiful moon.’
Diane: I don’t think I understand.

Liz: Oh, you’re being summoned.
Diane: Is that a bad thing?
Adrian: If it’s Mr. Laurie, no. If it’s Mr. Firth, maybe.