Ross: I don't wanna, like jump the gun, but I'm kind of a carpenter now.
Gordon Cooper: Well, I'll tell you what. Since the last time I saw you, you're a new man.
Ross: Well, I mean, it's not surgery like dad or what mom does, but ...
Gordon Cooper: You're finding your own way.
Ross: I like working with my hands, you know?
Gordon Cooper: And the calluses on your hands, they look good on you.
Ross: Yeah, they kind of hurt though.

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Coroner Season 1 Episode 5: "All's Well"
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Coroner Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Jenny: Sure. Fill your boots. But we want the same thing, Richie.
Richie: Which is?
Jenny: The truth.
Richie: I don't care about the truth. I care about getting my client out of prison.

If this is a "screw-you" for opening Dr. Peterson's files, save it. My phone's been ringing off the hook with screw-yous.
