Padma: I threw you under the bus in there, I'm really sorry.
Leela: It's okay.
Padma: No it's not. When I got leukemia, it affected us both as children. It took my fertility, but it also gave me something far more powerful, the ability to live each day as if it was the last. That freed me from everything, including their judgment. And you're free now too. I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself today.
Leela: At the expense of ever having a peaceful family gathering again.
Padma: Peace is overrated. You demanded respect, and I've never been prouder to share your DNA.

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The Resident Season 5 Episode 7: "Who Will You Be?"
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The Resident Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

You're impossibly talented, and doling out B12 shots for hangovers that impact is minuscule to what you can do here.


Bell: I have hope because you came today. If you weren't even going to consider it, why even show up?
Conrad: Same reason you did? You don't say no to Kit Voss.