You need to care about the lives of Third. Because seven days a week, three shifts a day, we keep the bearings greased and the cold at bay. We draw straws to have children, and we die from preventable accidents and diseases you get treatment for. I haven't come to this place easily. When we left Chicago, we needed Mr. Wilford's iron Order to survive. But, almost nineteen revolutions later, seven years... I know all of you. And I know we need to save our souls. Find your compassion. Send a message to this entire train that justice is not reserved for the rich. There can be justice for all. For Nikki. Her name was Nikki.

Miss Audrey

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Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 5: "Justice Never Boarded"
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Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

We didn't come this far, suffer this much, to give in to the same tyranny that destroyed us in the first place. Even on a frozen, dead planet, humanity needs hope.

Miss Audrey

I see now that as the Freeze killed everyone I ever knew, I mistook my ticket to survival for freedom. But Justice never boarded and Wilford doubled down, with a Jackboot on our throats and a fat finger on the scales.

Miss Audrey