Darla: I was scared! I was scared for my life, okay. That I couldn't remember what happened with those guys. That I ended up pregnant and I didn't know if it happened that night or with the man I was in love with. And if I had a baby, I couldn't use, and I wanted to end it every single day. Then you got locked up, and everything fell apart. What was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to say to you?
Ralph Angel: You say I'm pregnant and I don't know if it's yours.

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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 16: "Dream Variations"
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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Hollywood: There's so many people out here alone, wishing they had half of what we got. Woman, I ain't never had nothing like you in my life.
Violet: I feel the same.
Hollywood: Then let's lock this down. Violet, would you consider marrying me?
Violet: Yes, baby. Yes, yes, yes. Oh, a hundred times, yes.

The audacity of privilege. Jacob, you're desperate. You can fuss and fight and lie and cheat, and you flirt all you want. In the end, I’ll still win. This is the beginning of the end for your way of doing business. Maybe not next month or next year, but the end is coming, and that ain't blowing smoke.
