You're right. I can't beat it. But I am going to do everything I can to escape it. Even if it means I just get an inch further every day. And I'm sorry for everything you went through. But I would rather live through torture and do something than just exist for the sake of it. The House of El is meant for more than that.


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Supergirl Season 6 Episode 2: "A Few Good Women"
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Supergirl Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Obsidian North died for Lex Luthor's sins. Now I want our smart, splashy coverage to bury him six feet under.


People talk about the Zone as a place where time does not pass, but that isn't what makes it terrible. It's the creatures that give it its name. They feed on your fear by making you live it. They're like shadow spores that creep inside you and infect everything good and right. And then turn it against the host. Eventually, you forget that the phantoms are doing it to you at all. Your nightmare becomes your reality. That's when you go insane.
