Tensions Rise OG - 1883
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The wagon train gets stuck and one fella is caught under a wheel. He doesn't make it.

Axels are breaking, dogs attacking, snakes biting. People dying all over the damn place.

With every death, James moves the family a little farther away from camp.

The word most feared? River.

James is concerned about taking the group over the river and disagrees with Shea that they should head east and use the ferry.

James decides to head west while Shea and Thomas decide to take the group west. Thomas begins agreeing with James when he realizes that going to Denison will leave them two weeks behind.

Thomas says there ain't no good options. They just need to chose an option that isn't the worst so that they don't fall so far behind that winter does them under.

Wade comes to camp asking for help herding their food. Elsa and Margaret volunteer.

There is a female traveler alone after her husband was killed by bandits. Noemi is struggling on her own. Her kids haven't had anything to drink in a while, and she's not keeping a fire alive.

Shea kindly offers her children water and asks after other family she may have. Noemi offers herself to Shea as his wife. He doesn't take it kindly, but he will help her and her boys.

Thomas makes fun of Shea by suggesting Noemi is lucky not to be marrying his ass and is pleased by his joke.

Thomas shows Noemi how to hobble her horses so they can still move but cannot run off on her.

Shea finds out that other members of the camp stole Noemi's supplies and sets out to make it right. He doesn't ask questions; he just goes in to take it. The guy doesn't like that she's a gypsy so seems to think it was OK to take her stuff.

While Thomas makes sure the guys understand how it works, Shea destroys their ability to travel and promises to kill them if he sees them again.

Thomas wants to keep the world safe, but Shea thinks that not amount of children will make the world a safer place.

Elsa and Ennis flirt.

James tries to understand why they need to be quiet when the horse makes noise. James yells at John to be quiet, and John begins to cry. They come upon a deer, and John gets his first kill, and James teaches him about life and death.

Shea is at the Dutton camp when they arrive with the deer. He wants John to help with the travels, but Shea wants James not to question his authority. James gets a little upset, reminding Shea he doesn't work for him. James offers to follow the wagon train with the herd. Shea thinks that's fair.

Elsa sees a different side to her mother with her own identity and passions. She understands what her mother did for her and passed on to her.

The travelers are fighting amongst themselves. It gets ugly. The broken wheel guy doesn't agree with Stefan that they need Shea. He thinks they can go it alone. He keeps calling Noemi a whore.

Shea happens upon the mild uprising, telling the bad dude to step aside so he doesn't shoot the woman behind him. Shea urges him to try taking his horses and guns. He doesn't shoot him, but Shea makes it known he sure could.

Shea tells the guy that he killed 5000 men one day in war, and when he says that killing him would mean nothing, he'd do it. He gives the man one more chance to make a liar out of him when he allows them to live despite saying the next time he saw them, he'd kill them. They can police themselves or come along. Shea issues some instructions, including to boil water and take what they can carry from here, and storms off.

Shea regrets not shooting the men when he had a chance. Now they need to keep a closer eye on Noemi because Shea believes that the men will go to Fort Worth, get drunk, and talk about the wagon train, getting men a lot tougher then them to come back after them.

Shea speaks of his daughter, assuring Thomas he's doing this for the same reasons.

Ennis, Wade, Elsa, and Margaret are still with the herd. Wade is singing to the herd, and Margaret says it calms them and is no different than her singing to her children in the cradle.

When Ennis relieves them for sleep, Margaret sees him and Elsa making googly eyes.

James is in the wings watching over them.

James admits to watching over them back at camp. They're both very proud of Elsa, growing into a woman. Margaret says Elsa rides well, without fear, just like her dad.

Margaret tells James about the cowboy, and James says he'll shoot him first thing in the morning. But she didn't marry a gentleman, and it worked out alright for her, he says. And she admits she wouldn't change a thing.

But, she wouldn't mind a house. He promises to build her a house so big she'll get lost in it.

Elsa says that there are two different trips, one with death and despair and one an adventure. She's on the latter, but she had no idea that they'd collide and how cruel the world can be.

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1883 Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Girl, I've forgotten more about horses than you'll ever know.


James: How am I supposed to sneak up on somethin' with a five year old?
Margaret: Teach him to be quiet or find a dumb deer.