Home on the Range - 1923
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Spencer is safe, but his buddies are under attack. One of the two of them has been gravely wounded by the time they reach him to kill the cat. He doesn't make it.

Spencer, claw marks to his chest, needs a drink and a cigarette, and people are happy to oblige. He calls for a doctor. It was a leopardess, which is unusual. They have things in their claws, so the wounds need to be cleaned well.

The man who runs the safari, Holland, knew that they were a breeding pair, and Spencer isn't thrilled. It's what caused his friend to die, and he wants Holland to say he's sorry. Spencer demands it.

Jacob, Zane, and John hear a gunshot. Someone from Banner's group has shot Jack's horse, and Jack's pinned beneath him. They get there in the nick of time.

Jacob pistol whips Banner and considers hanging him, which makes Banner livid. Sheep can't graze this land, so what does it matter? It just does. Jacob decides to take the sheep to the reservation where they're starving.

That annoying sister is once again commanding the Indian girls to do chores. When she doesn't like what's done, she slaps a girl across the face. Teonna dares the sister to cross her. The sister doesn't.

The power hungry bitch walks the girls through laundry just like she does their baths. It's gross.

There are maggots in their food. Teonna says she'd rather be hit than eat it, and the nun launches herself at Teonna and her fellow nuns all pile on her.

Jacob has four of the men on horseback hanging from a tree. They try to work their hands free to save themselves.

Father Renaud places Teonna in a box for punishment calling her out on her filthy language.

The cowboys are bunked down for the night. Jacob is offering plans for the cattle. They'll be staying with the cattle to ensure wolves and bears don't get eat them.

Jacob has a lesson for Jack about conquering nations and men.

Emma finds Cara outside cradling a rifle. They chat about Elizabeth and how green she is to the ways of their world. Emma doesn't know where the recklessness in Jack comes from. Not her and not John. She was hoping Jack's wife would take the fire out of a generation. Cara says Jack's marrying gasoline, and the fire will only get bigger.

Cara's sitting outside because the big house feels so empty inside.

Banner's horse walks over to him so that he can grab a knife from the saddle bag. The horse he's riding moves away, but Banner has a good grasp on the rope. He's saved while the four others are gone.

A native woman visits an office to see the superintendent. There is a man there who has been waiting for his appointment for two days.

The Duttons are moving the cattle toward the reservation when a bunch of Natives greet them. They don't want sheep because they eat the grass and the wolves come. They can do with them what they want. the lead man hands Zane a knife, asking him to tell Dutton thank you.

They find a place to feed the herd and send the boys home.

Mr. Worth accepts the woman into his office. She is there about Teonna. She wants her granddaughter returned to her so that she can attend the day school nearby. The guy is, like all of these people, annoying beyond belief.

Worth tells her that to free Teonna from the boarding school in North Dakota, she needs to formally adopt her. She doesn't know how to do that.

Teonna has been in the box so long she cannot stand. They have to drage her back. She's unable to bathe herself, so one of the sister's helps. For reasons unknown, she gets her rocks off touching Teonna's private parts. This is so unpleasant.

The mean sister arrives, which is an oddly welcome respite. The mean nun dumps ice into her tub then treats her to a lecture and a beating.

A woman walks up to Spencer. They trade barbs. She likes him. She was sent to ask a question by a gaggle of girls, but she's sussed it out. He's a hunter. They can't believe it. He's Spencer Dutton who hunts the maneaters!

If there's no romance in killing a maneater with his bare hands, then why does he do it? Because dying is as alive as you'll ever feel. She sees the romance in that.

A fellow offers condolences for the guide's death. He needs Spencer somewhere else to hunt a spotted hyena.

It's the woman's engagement party. Her dad is played by Bruce Davison, so she may not be a one-off character. The girl struts out of the dinner to catch her breath. She's obviously not interested in marrying. Her name is Alexandra. Nope. She doesn't want to get married. I can't quite understand all of their words, but she giggles a bit.

On her way back inside, she spots Spencer. She says unintelligable things to him. She says all her adventures are over, hoping he'd wisk her away on his. As they lean in to kiss, her fiance shouts to her. Spencer sees what she means.

On his way out the next day, Spencer spots Alexandra and she him. He tips his hat to her and she back at him. He drives away, and her face sours before watching him go, meeting Spencer eye to eye. She grabs her bags and rushes off. She's chasing them down the road.

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1923 Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Jack: Think any of 'em made it?
Jacob: Depends on the loyalty of their horse. Give a man enough time, he can figure his way out of anything. I figure a few will make it. I hope a few do.
Jack: Why?
Jacob: Someday, you're gonna run this place, and for your son to someday run it, too, you gotta understand what your ranch's greatest enemy is. It's not wolves or drought or blizzards or Texas fever. It's other men. Men will choose to take what you built rather than try to build it for himself. Every civilization in this world built on top of the one they conquered. You go to Rome or Jerusalem or Paris, France, and it's cities stacked on top of towns, stacked on top of villages, stacked on top of one man's house built on top of one man's cave. You wish it wasn't so, but it is. Your enemy's got to be so terrified that their fear is greater than their greed. I gave those men a chance cause I wanted them to tell the world what happened when they crossed me.

The only reason I'm not killing you right now is because I need a ride to Nairobi in the morning.
