Concerned Buck & Eddie - 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 2
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Bobby and Athena are brought down to one of the boat decks by a pirate as they hijack the deck with guns and demand Norman give them the dongle in exchange for Lola.

Bobby and Athena say Norman doesn’t have the dongle, but the lead pirate still shoots Norman in the abdomen. Athena then deduces that Julian is having an affair with Lola, and they are smuggling the money.

The pirate breaks Julian’s nose before he gives them the dongle, which the pirates take before leaving the ship.

Bobby and Athena take Norman to the nearby casino and place him on a roulette table. Athena takes Julian and Lola to a nearby bar to wait while Bobby asses Norman. The boat doctor arrives but is unable to help Bobby.

The 118 are called to a car accident where a man t-boned a car carrying a mother and daughter. The man who caused the crash is belligerent and refuses care. He’s then placed in cuffs to remain detained while the cops investigate.

Chimney tells Hen they should still evaluate him now that he’s in cuffs, but she says no.

The team is able to get the mother and daughter out of the car, but the other driver passes out and eventually dies of a brain bleed.

Bobby helps stabilize Norman, and they discuss their marriages. Athena and Bobby then talk, and he tells her they need to contact the Coast Guard to get Norman off the ship. When they head up to the bridge to speak to the captain, Athena notices Julian is gone from the bar.

Back at the station, Hen discovers Internal Affairs is getting statements from all the firefighters. Hen then meets with Chief Simpson, who tells her the victim was the son of a councilwoman who insists he wasn’t drunk. The Chief says they don’t know if he was intoxicated, and Hen is taken off active duty until they get the toxicology reports back.

Bobby asks Captain Ochoa about getting the Coast Guard, but she tells him the pirates sabotaged their communications and engineering is working on a repatch.

Athena finds Julian cleaning out his safe and knocks him in the face with a fire extinguisher before cuffing him with zip ties.

Ochoa and the engineer, Scott, go down below to reboot the system before a nearby bomb left by the pirates detonates, causing the ship to turn on its side.

Chimney, Buck, and Eddie wonder if Hen was right about the victim being drunk, and they are unsure, and Hen feels betrayed by them not having her back.

Athena follows behind Julian as they look to get to higher ground while the ship instructs everyone to follow certain precautions. Bobby then leaves those in the casino to look for Athena.

Athena and Julian find Ochoa, who has a broken arm, and Scott, who is dead. They get Ochoa her radio, and she talks to Kenny on the bridge, giving him orders to abandon the ship. Athena then gets the key to activate a pump that will get the boat righted so they can launch the lifeboats while Julian takes Ochoa above deck.

Hen vents to Karen about the work situation, and then she tries to call Athena and Bobby but gets sent to voicemail. When Karen tells her about the hurricane, Hen becomes worried about being unable to contact them.

As passengers leave the ship in lifeboats, Bobby looks for Athena and finds Julian and Ochoa, who tell her she’s saying the ship.

Hen visits Maddie at dispatch with concerns about the cruise ship. She asks Maddie to call the coast guard.

Athena makes it to the room, and Bobby joins her to help get inside. But inside, they get trapped, and water starts filling the room.

In a flashback to two weeks ago, Bobby tells Frank in a session he has trepidation about the cruise.

Inside the room with water filling up, Bobby and Athena both apologize to each other and share a tearful goodbye, believing they may die. But they are saved by Julian, who comes and opens the door.

Chief Simpson finds Hen at dispatch and tells her she’s been cleared of any wrongdoing as the tox screens came back and the victim was inebriated. She then tells the Chief about her suspicions about the cruise ship, but he doesn’t believe her. He tells her to return to the 118, but she stays at dispatch, and she and Maddie call 911 in Mexico.

Athena, Bobby, and Julian return to the casino.

Kenny on the bridge tries to send a distress call, but a huge wave topples the ship, turning it upside down as the remaining passengers hang on for dear life.

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9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

Bobby: Where’s my wife?
Lola: She went after the snake.

Athena: What do you need?
Bobby: My team.

  • Permalink: My team.
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