Saying Goodbye - A Discovery of Witches
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Sarah is at Emily's bedside when Matthew and Diana return. They're there is time to see her die and to support Sarah.

Diana cannot believe her baby will not know Emily. Just as she says it Matthew feels two heartbeats. They're having twins.

Gallowglass arrives as the family is grieving.

They don't want to just kill Peter Knox. They need to ensure that everyone knows what they did. Everyone is there to discuss it, and when Phoebe introduces herself to Matthew. Under the circumstances, he sees her as somewhat of a nuisance. Matthew thinks that Marcus fails to understand his responsibilities since he failed to uphold the safety of Sept-Tours.

But Marcus is angry that he didn't get the memo about blood rage and lets Matthew know it. Matthew says Marcus doesn't have blood rage; he's only a carrier. But Marcus counters that it wasn't Matthew's decision to hold back the information from him.

Diana wonders why Emily was at the location where she died. Sarah tells her about Emily's dreams and that it got a little out of hand while she was gone. Sarah wants to bridge life and death to ask Emily what she was thinking. She wants Diana to go back in time to change things, but Diana can but will not do it.

Diana shares the news of her pregnancy with Sarah. Sarah doesn't receive it well. How will Diana keep the children safe?

The Congregation holds a meeting at Agatha's request. Gerbert wants to discuss the blood rage murders. Domenico says he met the vampire, and it wasn't someone he dealt with before.

Agatha wants to discuss Emily's death and demands Peter Knox be banished from The Congregation, and Satu casts the deciding vote.

Peter is incensed, but he's also stripped of all power.

Diana oversees Emily's funeral. Afterward, Sarah apologizes for saying what she did about the babies. She knows they'll be special.

Baldwin isn't pleased that Diana got Philippe's protection. Matthew isn't thrilled that all that happened to Peter Knox was expulsion. Baldwin says he was dealt with and nobody in the home is safe.

Dinner goes poorly. The "family" dines together, and the guests are like peasants in the kitchen.

Baldwin makes every wrong move. He brings up how the last vampire-witch pregnancy went. Then he says that anyone who isn't a de Clermont should leave the house by morning.

Diana asks about Benjamin after Baldwin mentioned him at the table. Diana says she thinks she met him. Matthew can't really believe it, but admits that he abandoned a new blood rage vampire shortly after siring him because he hoped that he would die or get killed. It was a gross miscalculation on his part.

Gallowglass mentions a scion to Marcus who immediately takes the idea to the others. Matthew says splitting the family isn't the answer.

Everyone leaves Sept-Tours, Matthew and Diana included.

Baldwin makes empty threats to the only person remaining in the house. Ysabeau is not impressed.

Matthew, Diana, and Sarah head to London. He's greeted by Orlando, who was mated to Hugh.

Matthew discusses blood rage with Miriam and Diana. Diana has an idea to ask her friend Chris about the lab space they need for their research.

Chris wants more detail about their work before taking on the project. Matthew gives him a file to work with.

Sarah is still aggravated and unhappy. She shares a little with Orlando, and Orlando shares his experience with Hugh with Sarah. After being mated to Hugh for six centuries, his grief and union weren't acknowledged. That was 700 years ago.

Diana makes running water flowers out of tap water, and Chris is sold.

They explain the various issues at hand and the need for a cure for blood rage. Chris is ready to give it a go.

Domenico meets with Baldwin to tell him what he discovered about the blood-raged killer. Baldwin is skeptical why he's being included in this info given Domenico's earlier actions.

Benjamin is in town and takes a call about Matthew and Diana's return.

Baldwin looks at the photos he got from Domenico.

Benjamin leaves carnage in his hotel room.


A Discovery of Witches
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A Discovery of Witches Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Peter: What do you think you're doing?
Satu: Peter, you killed a witch. Justice must be served.

These children are our future. The Congregation will never harm our family again. I promise.
