Larry Gets a Chipmunk - Alone Season 5 Episode 2
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Day 4: Larry. He got a chipmunk. (Season 2, 64 days) He's very excited. He's made a leaf and twig shelter & he has a fire. He tapped before because of hunger. He's sharpened his skills. chipmunks good on protein. Thanks food a lot.

Day 5 Dave (Season 3, 73 days). Lots of bugs. Participants allowed 2 pairs of underwear. Fanning with underwear. Made a flyrod out of willow. They pulled him because he was too thin. Put his fish aside. Lived in his truck after home. Quit job.

$500,000 prize.

He's going hunting with a bow. Mongolia has a lot of grasslands. He's looking for boar and deer. He shot something and ran towards it.

Day 5. Still Dave. He got a grouse. 29.4g of fat.He thanks the food too. He makes a soup with it. He has a pot over an open fire. I don't see a shelter for him.

Day 5, Larry. Putting charcoal on his face to protect from the sun. He found 2 grouse, so he's getting traps.

He went home and mentally strengthened himself. He wants to calm down a bit this time. He's losing his temper. Complaining. He finds canine scat & leftover guts. He's nervous.

Day 5, Brad (Season 4, 1 day) He built a small cabin. Looks like Lincoln Logs. An ankle injury his brother suffered. They pulled him out. He has a blacksmithing company. He's concentrating on food. Fishing, setting lines., wove a gill net. Hasn't really caught anything. He's setting snares for chipmunks. 50 traps set. He doesn't know his breaking point yet.

Back to Larry - Day 5. Sitting at the shelter, he hears a wolf, then a pack. Pretty close. They're carrying on. Shelter looks like a hut. It's nice. Wildlife isn't as afraid of man there in Mongolia.

Day 6, Britt (Season 3, 35 days) He's at the river to cool down. He ended because of food too.) He's an accountant. Says he's not leaving unless they pull him out. He's catching grasshoppers and eating them. Double the size of American. He puts on weight to prepare for the show this time.

He didn't mind the taste of grasshopper. 20g of protein. tasted like a charred burger.

Day 6, Brad. Hears wolves. 6 days without food. He has a good mental attitude. Checking traps and lines and no fish. Nothing yet. He's boiling water and wondering if he can stay.

Starvation leads to anxiety and depression. He's talking of leaving if he doesn't find food.

Day 7, no food. It's a mental game. He's tapping out because of lack of food and isolation.

Day 7 (8 people left.) - Britt using grasshopper to fish. One cast and he caught a fish. 2 fish, 3 fish, 4 fish. His wife helped him prepare, but not last time.

He set up a high holding tank so he can eat whenever.

Day 8, he goes to get fish and every fish is gone. Predators took fish. Lesson learned. He has a good attitude.

Dave, If you want to get to know the land, hunting is the way to do it.

Brad. I definitely notice myself getting a lot skinnier. I can't like kinda see my ribs now, where I couldn't before.

Britt, That actually wasn't bad. What did it taste like? Like an unseasoned very very charred hamburger.


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Alone Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Booyah baby! Booyah! AHHHHHH!


If you wanna get to know the land, hunting is the way to do it.
