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On American Crime Season 2 Episode 9, Anne is determined to help Taylor get a smaller sentence and turns to Sebastian for help. Sebastian is able to hack into the files at Leyland and exposes the school and their cover up of the sexual assault case involving Eric and Taylor. Unfortunately the leak doesn't help Taylor's case and the lawyer tries to explain to Anne the leak only makes things look bad when it comes to the assault case, but it doesn't put the gun in Taylor's hand. Anne gets angry and calls Sebastian again and demands he do more digging into the school and get more information so she can get Taylor a lighter sentence. 

Meanwhile, the school board is after Leslie's job and tries to buy her out. Thankfully Leslie is able to keep her job when the leaked emails come out and Leslie is able to turn things around by placing blame on the school board. Leslie asks for the school board to dissolve themselves and keep her as head master of the school while someone else takes over as patron. Things work out in her favor and she's able to keep her job.

In the end, Kevin admits to Terri he knows why Wes was killed. He finally reveals his friends took what he said to heart and they ended up attacking Taylor which resulted in Taylor going after the basketball team. Terri and Michael take Kevin to their detective friend and Kevin provides a statement, but Michael is quick to tell his friend to bury the statement to keep Kevin safe.

You still have time to catch up on the entire season. Go watch American Crime online via TV Fanatic. 


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American Crime Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

My while life has been nothing but a problem for her. She would be way better off had I never been born.


Tell my mom it's over. She should move on.
