American Rust Reviews

American Rust Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Happy Returns

American Rust Review: Happy Returns

On American Rust Season 1 Episode 2, as word of Pete Novick's murder starts spreading, the whole town comes together to celebrate a new union. Our review.
Posted in: Reviews

American Rust Quotes

Isaac: Why are you friends with me?
Del: You're the only person left who makes me feel like I'm worth anything.

Steve: You huntin' out of season again?
Del: Not answering that question, but, to be clear, there are no seasons on my property. Nobody tells me what to do on my own land. I'm a good shot; I'm not gonna kill anybody. And if I did, they'd be on my property.
Steve: I'm going to forget we had this conversation.
Del: Don't forget all of it. Don't be takin' a sunset stroll on my land, especially not in a deer costume.