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Hodiak and some other detectives talk about the lack of Hispanic representation in the department.

Cutler, Hodiak, and Shafe discuss what to do in the aftermath of Jimmy Too's murder. Arresting Lucille will kill the investigation into the heroin ring. Shafe convinces Vickery to continue his affair with Lucille.

Karn shows up at Spiral Ranch. He fills Manson in on moving the body. Charlie thinks that Karn took Emma. 

Sam continues to look into the missing hooker connected to Manson. He finds Louise's son, Gregory. Two junior cops observe Tully and discuss the order that somebody is supposed to partner with her for a ridealong. Hodiak advises her to be on alert.

Shafe is undercover at the Peach Pussycat while Lucille has her way with Vickery. 

Tully and the two officers stop at a Big Boy, where they question her about her romantic life. A man walks up to their table and shots the beat cops.

Vickery gives Shafe the all clear, He talks to Lucille about her plans for he future. Lucille doesn't know if she can trust him. He asks Roy to vouch for him, but Roy hesitates. Lucille says that if he gets right with Guapo, he'll be alright with her. They're interrupted by a call, and Shafe finds out about the shooting.

Shafe meets Hodiak at the scene of the shooting, two blocks from Panther HQ. Tully is in shock, but unharmed. Hodiak slaps her to snap her out of it, and she recalls the events to him.

Tully and Hodiak return to a swamped department, where Cutler gives a speech setting all the detectives to action. Cutler tries to discount Tully's account. Shafe has brought in Bunchy.

Buncy is uncooperative. He is surprised that Hodiak believes the shooter to be a white man. 

Karn and Manson discuss Hodiak's attack after they have sex. 

Word comes in that the second officer shot has died. One of the detectives takes his anger out on Tully. Shafe and Hodiak come to her defense, and the news comes in that two more cops were shot. 

The detectives canvas the neighborhood, with Bunchy encouraging residents to be helpful. Shafe uses a ruse to get a suspect to the door, and enters the house, while Hodiak watches from the street. 

Hodiak sneaks in the back while Shafe occupies the suspect, Glenn Lesick. Glenn pulls a gun, and Hodiak enters with his weapon drawn.

At the station, the identify Glenn's car as being at the scene of both shootings, but they can't definitively put him at the scene. The search is called into question. 

Hodiak talks to Tully in "private" (in the mens locker room). He tells her she needs to lie in order to put Lesick behind bars. 

After Tully exits the interview room, the DA tells Hodiak that she's almost as good a liar as he is. 

Hodiak thanks Bunchy for the intel that helped nail Lesick. 

Charmain confronts Hodiak about his behavior. 

While Hodiak sits at a bar, a girl drops LSD into his margarita as Manson watches. 


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Aquarius Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

If you can't at least be decent human males, at least be funnier.


Everybody in the world is living in a prison they built. They are the They're the wardens, inmates. Razor wire, chains, tower guard.

Charlie Manson