Vi Punch - Arcane
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Mel's mother lectures her on the ways of the world in a flashback to Mel's youth. Mel plans the throne room for the regent. Soldiers approach with a prisoner. Mel's mother asks what they should do with her. Mel advises she be stripped of possessions and transported. Her mother advises that the girl be killed to prevent her raising an army against them in the future.

Mel continues to advocate mercy. Her mother executes the girl.

Mel awakens in her bed, Jayce sleeping next to her.

Vi gets Caitlyn into the city.

Silco finds Marcus's body, then spots Jinx. She has the gemstone in her hand. Caitlyn's carrier is empty.

Silco carries Jinx back to Zaun.

Jayce and Mel survey the bodies on the bridge. Jayce vomits and notices one of the firelight bugs.

VI gets Caitlyn in a window to her bedroom. The door smashes open and Caitlyn's mother is there with a gun. They leave Vi in the room and Caitlyn's father removes the shrapnel while her mother lectures her. Her mother offers to schedule an audience for her with the Council.

Silco brings Jinx to SInged. Singed knocks Silco out before he begins work on Jinx.

Finn comes to talk to Sevika.

Mel and Elora greet Mel's mother when she arrives. Her mother informs her that her brother's dead. She plans on helping Mel with Hextech weaponry.

Vi's waiting for Caitlyn when she returns and tells her they'll be speaking in front of the council that evening. They talk about Powder.

Jinx hallucinates while Singed treats her with Shimmer.

Silco regains consciousness. The table is empty and he attacks Singed.

Heimerdinger walks the streets in disguise. As he walks towards the bridge, he finds Ekko's board and then Ekko. Ekko's leg is busted.

Mel's mom enjoys a spa bath. Jayce has been summoned to attend her. She offers him her experience.

Vi and Caitlyn address the council and tell them about Silco's power over the undercity.

Jayce proposes war. Mel cautions and Caitlyn thinks he's crazy. Jayce is out voted on the war, the Council wants diplomacy. Vi thinks that's nuts. She leaves and Caitlyn chases after her. Vi tells her topside and bottom don't mix.

Viktor drops his crutch and walks on the Shimmer-grown leg. He's able to run for the first time in his life.

Returning to his lab, he notices the Hexcore has become corrupted.

Sky enters and finds Viktor trapped by the Hexcore. She tries to help him but she disintegrates under the Hexcore radiation.

Jayce attempts to forge HexTech weaponry.

Vi seeks him out and offers to work with him to beat Silco. Their plan is to shut down the Shimmer supply.

Enforcers hit a Shimmer plant but the alarm gets pushed and Shimmer-fueled thugs are deployed to defend the factory. They take out the Enforcers and surround Jayce with his HexTech warhammer. Vi arrives and they fight.

Jayce takes out a thug, zapping his suit off, and revealing a small child. He falls off the bridge and lands at the bottom.

Jayce and Vi survey the bodies. They look up and realize the factory is worked by children.

Caitlin showers and finds a Jinx image in the steam when she comes out. She gasps

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Arcane Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Mel: Kino says war is a failure of statecraft.
Matron Medarda: Your brother thinks he can talk his way out of anything. He fancies himself a fox among the wolves. But, mark me, child, if you want to last in this world, you must learn to be both the fox and the wolf

Do you know what the success rate for senior Academy inventors is? Three percent. We're no stranger to failure. What makes this the City of Progress is that we keep trying until we get it right.
