Arrested Development Multi-Show

21 Most Memorable Twins on TV

21 Most Memorable Twins on TV

Hollywood has a bit of an obsession with twins, but sometimes, seeing double isn't necessarily a bad thing. Take a look at some of our favorite twin duos on TV.
Posted in: Manifest
17 Most Memorable TV Opening Sequences

17 Most Memorable TV Opening Sequences

TV opening sequences can sometimes make or break the tone of a series, and a great sequence only makes the show even better. Read about 17 of our favorites!
Posted in: Alphas
17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

Hugs happen in all kinds of relationships on screen, and most of them enhance the connection between the people in it. But then there are those hugs that are just awkward and that you can't even look at.
Posted in: Shadowhunters
23 TV Moms We Love to Hate

23 TV Moms We Love to Hate

Skip the Mother's Day cards for this group of the most selfish, manipulative and overbearing TV moms we love to hate. It's a year-round endeavor!
Posted in: Photo Galleries
23 TV Divas We Secretly Admire

23 TV Divas We Secretly Admire

No matter how horrible they are, divas make TV a lot more fun. Love them, hate them, or love to hate them, check out our list of TV divas we secretly admire.
Posted in: Multi-Show

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.