Deciphering the Code - Blood & Treasure
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Father Chuck is letting Danny and Lexi stay with him. Gwen invites the couple to a meeting with Fabi and Asim. Danny convinces them to follow the money back to Farouk. Danny gets Aiden to agree to work with them and discuss how Farouk moves his funds. Farouk discovers that Cleopatra's sarcophagus had been taken to Germany. In Paris, Danny poses as Aiden and meets with Aiden's contact. An old interpreter of Danny's accidentally exposes him as an FBI agent. A brawl breaks out. Then Gwen and Fabi come in and end it. Lexi chases down the contact then loses him, but she steals his ledger. Aiden escapes. Lexi is suspicious that Asim is working for Farouk, so she wants to keep the coded ledger secret. Chuck agrees to help Lexi decode it. Gwen and Fabi threaten to send Khalid, one of the thugs captured, to Egypt if he doesn't help them. Lexi and Father Chuck actually start to bond. Danny and his interpreter gets through to Khalid and he gives Danny the information he seeks. Lexi wants to check out the dead-drop site she and Chuck had decoded, a pyramid, and calls Danny to go with her. Asim insists on tagging along. A sniper is watching Danny and Asim. Asim admits he's there without orders because he suspects someone in the Egyptian government of being Farouk's mole. Lexi takes out the sniper then comes under fire. She grabs the Cleopatra photo. Asim saves Lexi from a grenade then dies. Father Chuck tries to cheer up Danny with some baseball. Lexi shows Danny the photo. Danny thinks Farouk is trying to drive the East and the West into an all-out war. Fabi is tailing Danny and Lexi. He calls his supervisor and tells him Farouk is going to Germany.

Blood & Treasure
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Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Like it or not, this is a treasure hunt.

Danny [to Asim]

Oh, wow! You've been here five minutes and you're already naked.

Father Chuck [to Lexi]