Seeking Answers - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 13
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Reece is blaming Anna's death of Farouk's disciples. Danny is suspicious. Lexi tells Father Chuck that Anna is dead. Chuck reveals to Danny and Lexi that Reece is Farouk's father, which Anna knew. Emails Gwen intercepted prove that Gasaul was Reece's mole in the investigation. Reece also had Lexi's father killed to keep his secret about Farouk. Danny hopes that the Brotherhood might have the information they need to take down Reece. The Brotherhood heads off a convoy of Farouk's men, but a truck explodes, wiping them out. Danny and Lexi are invited to Reece's gala in Cairo. Chuck sneaks in recording devices. Aiden is there to help in their plan, in which Danny will try to get Reece to implicate himself. Farouk's remaining men have also gotten into the gala. Lexi plants a recording device on Reece. Gwen said there was no biotoxin in the wreckage. Danny determines that Simon is actually Farouk and the attack is about to happen. It was SImon/Farouk who had given a terrorist named Rashid Fahgazi his name. Aiden bolts. Danny and Lexi get tasered. Roarke has captured them. Danny tries to warn them about Farouk, who tells Reece the truth. Farouk's men take out Reece's security. Farouk pumps  the biotoxin into the gala. Aiden comes through to rescue Danny, Lexi, and Chuck. Roarke shoots him but his medal blocks the bullet. Lexi goes after Roarke while Danny tries to stop Farouk. Lexi and Roarke brawl, with Lexi winning. Danny crashes in through the skylight. Gwen and Interpol save the day, arriving with the antidote. Danny wants to let Reece die. Lexi talks him down, giving Reece the antidote. Carlo Valerde gives up Simon's location, in the Seychelles. Danny, who Gwen deputized, arrests him. Danny and Lexi kiss at the continuation of the gala. 

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Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

[The Brotherhood] gave their lives to stop it.


[Jay's] been using me since Day 1.
