Joanna and Billy Do TV Spot - Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 6
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Billy, Luna, and Kat want to proceed with a class action lawsuit, but Joanna is surprisingly reluctant. Eventually she agrees.

Cleardawn Labs offers Kodie a settlement of $50,000. The firm needs mothers to come forward for a class action lawsuit, but people still hate/don't trust Billy and Joanna because of the closing of the mill and blame them for jobs lost.

Billy and Joanna film a TV Spot to make their pitch to the mothers. The mothers show up for a meeting but are reluctant to trust Joanna. She admits to being pregnant to convince them.

Joanna sees a doctor but won't talk to Billy about the pregnancy.

Taylor goes to Diane for help with Jeff Mitchell. She and Luna make up. Luna advises her to go to Owen Mercer and Mitchell's weekly clandestine meetings.

Luna wants to help Callie, but Callie's baby-daddy Eric refuses help. Luna offers Callie shelter and Callie agrees to leave Eric.

Billy's dad has a friend from AA who works at Cleardawn Labs. His name is Shaky and he's an accountant. He points out that the number of tests being done has gone up but the amount about spent hasn't, implying corners are being cut.

Owen plants Cocaine in Mercer's car. It is unclear if he un-plants it.

Joanna argues that these women have poverty in common. 

The judge does not certify the class action.


Burden of Truth
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Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Joanna: Doctor, I just have one more question. Do you think that I should proceed with this pregnancy?
Doctor: Well, what do you want?
Joanna: I want to get back to work.

Joanna: How long can a person work in this condition?
Doctor: It's a pregnancy. We haven't called it a condition since the fifties, but, it really depends.
Joanna: Depends on what?
Doctor: Depends on the pregnancy and the person. There's a lot of personal hereditary factors.
Joanna: Do any of those hereditary factors include mental illness?
Doctor: Yes. Some.
Joanna: What about sociopathic tendencies? Yeah, that's just my side. His side's riddled with mental illness, garden variety addiction. So, we're pretty much screwed, right?