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If that was a real Peach's Meats commercial, it's a wonder they were ever successful.

Alice is trying to reach Zoe on the phone but has no luck.

A year ago, Alice woke up to find Zoe standing on her bed staring at her hands. She said, "Father time," and Alice jumped onto the bed. There was a centipede scrambling across the floor that Zoe caught in a glass. A pet

Downstairs a crash. Mom?

Mom is naked on her bed singing and crying.

Dave calls Alice. He's from collections about her student loan payments.

Louise wants Alice to show her exactly where she saw "him."

Alice relays that Zoe also saw something that terrified her.

They start out at the little girl's house and retrace their steps. The neighbor is no help. Alice reveals to Louise Zoe hasn't seen their mother since they sent her away, but she has.

Louise is interested because the man looked like Joseph Peach.

The Peach daughters were killed in Butcher's Block, hung. The neighbors ultimately found something in the basement and burned the house to the ground.

While they're standing near the playground, Alice sees what she thinks is a kid running. She screams out to Izzy and takes off. It's the freaky baby walking with Robert Peach.

Louise didn't keep up, so Alice is on her own. She makes it to the stairway to nowhere and sees the two walking inside.

A horrible sound overtakes Alice, she covers her ears and the stairs disappear as she falls to the ground.

Joseph appears.

Joseph talks about god and going to church, then tells her Zoe will be alright before he vanishes.

The Sheriff's office doesn't believe Alice, makingher question whether she even has a sister.

When she arrives back at Louise's, Zoe is in the living room smiling. Alice doesn't have to worry anymore. She's been cured.

Robert has a shock device, and he's chasing the nuts woman. He shocks her, and she falls into the street in front of the Officers' car.

They cuff him and take him to jail.

Zoe is happy. Her schizophrenia is gone. The man looked like millions of bees trembling and he said he could cure her and he did.

The man in Robert's cells says he has mezophobia. Some sounds make him sick, like those of Robert's knuckles cracking. Robert doesn't care because Jeff is about to be calories.

While Zoe is resting on the bed, she hears a voice. She was cured, but there is a side effect. The process will change her.

Officer Vanczyk walks by Robert's cell to find him naked and elbow deep in Jeff's guts. Yum.

You wouldn't think Robert would be getting out anytime soon, but Luke's dad wants to "kick it down the road."

Luke follows Robert through the park after he's released. He sees him arrive "home" at the staircase where daddy Joseph is waiting for him.

Zoe looks at the hairless cat and has visions of eating him. I'm going with NO on this one. I'm so fucking sick of everyone killing cats on TV and in the movies!

Alice is talking to Louise about local folklore. The "Butcher" is said to be Jospeh Peach, who went mad after his daughters were killed.

They hear breaking glass because people are always clumsy in their bloodlust.

There is a note by a lit candle. Dangerous!!

it has a wax seal with a little flag thingy. It's from the Peach Family. An invitation for Dinner and Spirits. The wacky baby is running by the front door.

When Alice and Louise arrive, the table is full. At first, they are outside in the park, but then the house rises around them.

They chit chat about things until Alice demands to know what happened to her sister. Dinner is finished and she's paralyzed.

Joseph has a drill with something on the end that looks about the size of a tim can. He scoops out a large portion of her scalp and gives her a mirror so she can watch. He says with a little probing, he can get to her deepest trauma.

She recalls when her mother stabbed Zoe in the gut.

He tells her she can go upstairs and join the family. She and Zoe remind him so much of his daughters.

Alice and Louise "come to" in front of the "dinner" table which is laden with human body parts and entrails, including a hand that belongs to Izzy's mother.

Channel Zero
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Channel Zero Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Joseph: Do you go to church?
Alice: No.
Joseph: So you believe in church but you don't worship him?

Robert: I would say you have a big mouth for a little man, but you don't smell like a man.

Officer Vanczyk: What?
Robert: You smell like a mouse or nothing at all.