Roz visits Susie - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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Sabrina is still thinking about seeing her mother in limbo, so she asks her friends if they want to help with the seance. They aren't comfortable with her magic though so they say no, and she asks the Weird Sisters instead. They plan it out and manage to call upon Sabrina's mother but don't get the answers they expect.

Instead, they unleash spirits into the home during the winter solstice, just as Zelda and Hilda catch them. The spirit of several kids descends on the house, they mess with everyone and put the baby in danger. Zelda and Hilda say they need to call upon their mother, she lives in the woods and will usually control her kids for a price.

She can't know they have a baby though because she will want to take it for her own. She finds out just as she gathers her kids and is about to leave.

Sabrina's mom appears in spirit form just as things are getting dangerous to say she knows a way to figure out who gets to keep the child. Turns out it is a trick that she created with Sabrina so they could trick the witch and keep the baby. They do but Zelda decides to give her away because she would always be in danger.

Susie starts working at the mall as an elf, they like their job but then get kidnapped by the Santa there. He tells them that he steals the souls of kids, planning to take their soul next. Roz figures it out and asks the Spellmans to save Susie, which they do by bringing the witch back and showing her what this demon does to children. 

Meanwhile, Sabrina gifts Harvey enchanted pencils for the holidays. He takes them and tells her how badly his father is drinking. She brings his father special eggnog that makes him never want to touch alcohol, which Harvey figures out it magic too and asks her to take back the pencils because he can't deal with magic right now.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

But please don't ever do that again. Use magic with me. Or on me, or near me. Never again.


Zelda: We’ll also have to hide Leticia while Gryla’s here, or she’ll try to take the babe and add Letty to her retinue.
Sabrina: I can take her, Auntie. SHe's family now, and you've protected me all these years. It's the least I can do.