Claws Photo Galleries

19 TV Couples Who Could Kill Each Other

19 TV Couples Who Could Kill Each Other

If "Love means never having to say you're sorry," does this mean you receive a license to kill? That sounds sketchy, but these TV couples certainly think so.
Posted in: Alias
23 TV Characters Who Own Their Age

23 TV Characters Who Own Their Age

Age is only a number, not a limitation, and on TV there are plenty of characters living their life on their own terms. Here are 23 of our favorites!
Posted in: Claws
24 Hot Women of Summer TV

24 Hot Women of Summer TV

It's hot, hot, hot in the summer months and the small screen is loaded with women to make temperatures soar. We've hand-picked some for you inside!
Posted in: Multi-Show

Claws Quotes

Desna: How about next time you wait until I got my Spanx off?
Roller: Nobody's got time for that.

Virginia: Looks like I missed the party.
Jenn: You wouldn't have if you were on time for once in your dirty life.