Spike Working Out - Cowboy Bebop
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Big Shot for the Bounty Hunters, hosted by Punch and Judy, reports on a bomber with one hand.

Spike and Jet stake out a church wedding, looking for the bomber planting his bombs. Spike goes to use the bathroom and gets attacked by an assassin.

Jet spots the bomber. The bomber gets away with his bomb attached to a teddy bear. Jet gets his fake hand. On the Bebop he runs tests on the prosthetic to figure out the explosives the bomber is using.

Spike goes out for noodles.

At Ana's, Gren brings in Buck and Peggy and sets them up at a table. Ana breaks up an argument and has both parties bounced.

Ana finds Spike in her office. She thought he was dead for the past three years.

Jet goes through the bomber's manifesto.

Spike asks Ana about the assassin who came after him. He believes the assassin was Syndicate trained.

Jet realizes the bomber just likes to see buildings burn.

Spike asks about Julia. Ana tells him she married Vicious.

Knocking on Vicious's door. He is summoned to the Elders. He and Julia are holographically projected into the Elders' chambers.

They reprimand him for his handling of the Red Eye and Asimov situation. They order him to kill Julia as penance. He fires the gun but it is not loaded.

Spike meets Jet at a construction site that uses Vaxium Nitrate. They start to squabble in the foreman's office. The foreman gives them the name of the guy who accounts for their explosives. Jet realizes Theodore is "Teddy" and he and Spike head to Teddy's to apprehend him.

Julia is livid that Vicious let the Elders pull his strings.

Spike and Jet look for Teddy in his storage unit. They find his workshop. Spike finds his noodles. The freighter lifts off.

Space debris damages the empty cockpit. Spike and Jet start to argue again and Jet steps onto a bomb trigger. Suddenly Teddy appears, wearing a teddy bear head and a bomb vest.

Spike and Jet work together to disarm and knock out Teddy. Spike knocks Jet's foot off the bomb trigger and takes the weight so Jet can go in the escape pod and rescue him.

Vicious sits at Ana's. His guards report that Fearless killed Gunther at the church. Ana's overhears it all.


Cowboy Bebop
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Cowboy Bebop Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Ana: Why come to me?
Spike: So you can do what you do best. You can listen.

Dying didn't teach you that lying is no way to be?
