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Daniela urges Natalia to go to the doctors, but she is very apprehensive and claims that she will only go to the doctors when there are three things wrong with her. She eventually relents, but later that day Daniela finds out that the doctor's office called for her. 

She immediately fears the worst and looks to show Natalia how much she means to her. Outwardly Cristela doesn't seem too worried but she is very worried inside. 

Daniela prepares a girls night in which she introduces Natalia to new things, like sushi and Steel Magnolias. Having never seen this movie, Daniela is unaware that it involves sickness and death. Cristela mocks her for this. They finally confront Natalia about her doctor's visit and she reveals that the reason they called is because she never showed up. 

After a little yelling match, the three of them reveal how much they do care about one another and then sit down to finish the movie. 

At work, Cristela becomes Trent's assistant for the week. While Trent is out of town, he calls repeatedly and asks Cristela to find a way to get boots he left at home to his hotel by the end of the week. Cristela has trouble with this and ends up making her own boots to send to Trent, but Trent informs her he found the boots in his luggage. 

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Cristela Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

You know my rule. I only go to the doctor when there are three things wrong, that way it's worth it.

Natalia [to Daniela]

I'm just saying, in my village, being a tattletale is how people disappear.

Natalia [to Daniela]