Getting Answers - DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Episode 14
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Zari arrives at Constantine's mansion and comes face-to-face with Dark Constantine. The Legends, minus Astra and Spooner, arrive and explain that Bishop manipulated Constantine to free him.

Zari realizes he is just an astral projection. Constantine is really on the Waverider with Bishop. Bishop overrides Gideon and flies the ship out of London with Astra and Spooner also on the ship.

Constantine and Bishop chart a course for the Fountain of Imperium. They arrive in 1925 Texas.

Astra and Spooner exit the ship and run into Spooner's mother, Gloria, a healer. A man, Doc, wants to buy Gloria's land because there is a fountain of oil underneath it. Astra and Spooner scare her off.

Gloria invites the two of them for a meal at her house.

Constantine and Bishop find a bunch of mushrooms that they believe are connected to the Fountain. Constantine thinks he can summon the Fountain in that spot.

Constantine finds kid Spooner picking mushrooms for her mother. She brings him back to their house.

Constantine uses a spell to knock out Gloria, kid Spooner, and Astra. He then shows Spooner her future where Doc and his men kill Gloria later that night. Then, kid Spooner gets saved by the Fountain of Imperium -- an alien being.

When the others wake up, Constantine is gone.

Spooner tells Astra what Constantine showed her. Spooner is staying there to protect her mom. She gave her blood to Constantine so that he can open up the Fountain.

Gary and the rest of the Legends use an IGCOM -- an intergalactic communication device -- to contact Kayla. She arrives at Constantine's mansion. They convince her to help them get to the Waverider by telling her that her and Mick's eggs are on the ship.

Mick reveals his feelings for Kayla, but she is focused on getting her eggs back.

Bishop makes a serum that will convince the Fountain that Constantine is worthy.

Doc and his men arrive at Gloria's house. Spooner tells Gloria that she is her daughter. Gloria and Astra convince Spooner that they need to preserve history.

Constantine summons the Fountain of Imperium.

Astra leads kid Spooner to the Fountain while Spooner and Gloria deal with Doc and his men. Spooner uses her powers to scare them off.

The Fountain takes kid Spooner.

The Legends and Kayla arrive in 1925 Texas.

Constantine swipes Bishop's serum from him and takes it. Bishop reveals that the serum has deadly poison in it. Once Constantine dies, so will the Fountain because they are connected.

Bishop wants to destroy Earth, and the Fountain is what protects it from invasive alien species.

On the Waverider, Bishop has rigged a trap for the eggs. They save all of them, but Mick is caught in the explosion.

Spooner collapses.

Constantine dies.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Episode 14 Quotes

Astra: We have to go and get the others.
Spooner: How? I can't drive this ship without Gideon. Can you?
Astra: I don't even have a driver's license.

Ava: So you're just going to turn your back on all of us?
Constantine: Oh, let's be honest. I was never one of you lot, really, was I? A Legend. No, I'm a nasty piece of work and I walk my path alone.