Crazy Doll - EVIL
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Sister Andrea pours hot water on Leland's lap as he attempts to get into God's good graces by volunteering his services for the team. He's hoping to join the team, but wouldn't mind kicking Kristen to the curb since she's not a believer. He touts his empathy.

David is struggling with his impending vows. Sister Andrea reveals that Leland is trying to get a place on the team, and if David is doubting, then there's no telling what else is afoor in this war.

I think Bishop Marx is gone. This new guy is going to oversee the team? I'm confused.

Kristen visits Kurt to apologize. She's been hallucination free for four days thanks to a greater respect for the placebo effect. Kurt is skeptical.

Kurt has a guy he'd like to refer to Kristen. His name is Nate, and he's seeing things in his house. It's a shadow of a man he sees in a mirror or other reflection. Now, he's seeing it near his son. Elijah broke his arm, and Nate blames it on the shadow man.

David visits a pastor, and the guy wonders if he's there for another option. David says no, but it's clearly the case.

The guy uses "liability" to sway the conversation as David wouldn't have to seek approval from the Archdiocese to do things. He also discusses the realities of race in the Catholic Church.

Ben is listening to sounds in the house when Kurt sneaks up on him, scaring the hell out of him. Kurt wishes he could follow them around and write a book about their adventures. David said no.

Elijah's cast isn't just itchy. It feels like there are bugs crawling in it and when he tries to scratch, they bite.

Ben ascends into the attic, and it's scary.

Kurt uses the moment to keep pushing his book idea.

There is a trunk tied shut and a terrible smell is emanating from it. Inside is a box, which ben opens. It's a freaky doll wrapped like a mummy.

Lynn is babysitting a boy named Sebby.

He seems to have an imaginary friend. They decide to play hide and seek.

She finds Sebby sitting on his bed, staring at a rocking chair that begins to move. His friend said he couldn't play.

His friend is that damned doll.

If you don't do what Eddie wants, Nate says, Eddie hurts you. The doll belonged to his wife, but it always freaked Nate the hell out.

But Lynn brought home the doll from babysitting. What the heck?

Edward with his weird face followed Sheryl to the school. He wants to play a game. It's she does two things for him and he does one for her. It's bound to be all kinds of wrong given the last time he banboozled her. He gives her sunglasses and a puzzle. She's to focus on those things only and ignore a man named Esa, until Ed says daffodil, when she needs to walk up to Esa and slap him across the face.

She does it, but she doesn't seem happy about it. In the elevator, Ed wants to take off her panties right this second.

Whitney and Travis visit Kristen since Lynn took Sebby's favorite doll.

Lynn says she has the doll in her bag, but she didn't steal it. Kristen wants Lynn to grab it, but when she goes to get it, it's gone.

David is worrying over the idea of not being pope. He wonders if Sister Andrea ever regrets not going off with the man who loved her. That man killed himself years later. The man had her contact info in his wallet. The man was very alone, but as a nun, Sister Andrea has never been alone.

David revisits the pastor wondering why he left The Church. David Googled him. He fell in love with a nun. David begins talking about exorcisms. The pastor thinks that demonics is smoke and mirrors. David doesn't know why he believes in God, then. God is as much hocus pocus as the devil.

Elijah tried sawing his arm off when the bug sensation returned.

Demonic drawings are all over the walls. Ben tries to slough them off on dust particles due to weather patterns. The church dude I don't know wants to dispatch Gregory, worrying David that he's leaning into the theatrical exorcism rather than an actual.

Gregory is a layman. He's got long graying hair and beard, sporting a leather jacket and a giant cross around his neck. He's a joke.

Lexis and one of the younger girls realizes that it's grandma's doll. Lexis takes it back to the altar.

At a restaurant, Sheryl is playing daffodil again, interrupting someone's dinner to give them test results showing she's negative.

Gregory is being very embarrassing.

Poor Kurt thinks this is how it works.

Kurt has recorded Gregory talking about Zeppar, but when he goes out into the hallway, the creepy fella is out there. For some reason, Kurt walks toward him. And the thing boops his nose. Kristen finds him in the hallway with a blood spot on his nose.

When Sheryl asks what Edward is doing for her, he says he already did it by revealing her inner strength. She pummels him in the face, and he gives her the head of his great grandfather in a bloody liquid. She's his successor. This is her sigal. The hell?

Nate wants the doll back.

Kristen now wants David to take his vows because he offers balance to all of the bad people. While she loves the time they spend together, she realizes that who he is now is more special.

David wonder if she ever wonders if. Would they be in love? Kristen thinks so.

Sheryl looks at the sigil map to find her place in it. Then she sees the doll that is NOT her doll. Father, son, and the holy ghost. She's ready. Use her.

Virgin Marry is up there, too. And the credits? They're at the end of the episode.

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Evil Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

David: Sister, when did you take your vows?
Sister Andrea: When I was 19. Why?
David: And you never wanted a family or children?
Sister Andrea: This isn't helpful.
David: Sister, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing to spend my whole life without a wife, without children, to be alone? Are you... alone?
Sister Andrea: No. I didn't want children.
David: But?
Sister Andrea: There was a man who fell in love with me... Look, David. I have a gift like you have a gift. A door has been opened up to us, and it comes with some responsibility. But when you're in Plato's cave and you break the restraints and you turn to the light, you can't go back.

David: You don't think they'll ask why I want to be a priest?
Sister Andrea: This isn't a cruise director interview; this determines whether you'll be ordained or not. It's a given you want to be a priest. Or is it?