More Than It Seems - FBI Season 6 Episode 8
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Two men complete a transaction in an industrial park.

One pays the other with shredded paper then shoots and kills him.

Scola and Tiffany show up at the murder scene of James Sun, an employee of the U.S. Army.

A coworker says that Sun lost interest in the job over the past few month, after he was passed over for a promotion.

He was set to retire the next week.

Sun was an ammunition specalist and a bomb dog alerts on his truck. He may have been selling explosives.

Sun had been texting in code about explosives with Clinton Payne.

Payne is on probation for armed robbery.

The team goes to search Payne's house but shots ring out.

He attempts to run but OA tackles him.

Isobel wants Payne to set up a meeting with the buyer he'd met in a chatroom.

Scola and Tiffany are going to meet with the buyer.

The buyer is Somalian Amido Sunogo, who is connected to Al-Shabaab.

Tiffany wants to use Sunogo to track down Hakim, who killed Hobbs. But he's supposedly fled the country.

Jubal and Isobel are concerned about Tiffany's state of mind on this case.

Tiffany flashes back to Hobbs' death.

On her own, she stakes out the restaurant where Hobbs was killed.

She loses the man she was following when he jumps on a bike.

She and Scola meet up with Sonogo for the buy. Tiffany pushes too hard and almost drives away Sonogo.

She raises the price so he has to communicate with Hakim.

Tiffany put a tracker in Sonogo's wheel well.

They follow Sonogo to a warehouse. Tiffany thinks she sees Hakim goes in and wants to charge in. 

Maggie and OA go into the building which is an exotic dance club but they only see Sonogo.

Tiff insists on going in so Scola goes with her. Maggie backs her play.

The man she thought was Hakim isn't and Sonogo sees her.

She keeps pushing too hard and Scola has to move in. Sonogo fires in the air, creating pandamonium.

Sonogo takes a female hostage and steals her car. Tiffany and Scola are in hot pursuit.

Sonogo crashes into a car in a construction zone. He demands Tiffany's car. He and Tiffany brawl and Scola ends up shooting him, telling her nothing.

Isobel asks Stuart if Tiffany is mentally fit to be in the field. Before he can answer, Jubal comes in and says State thinks Hakim re-entered the U.S. last week.

Tiffany approaches Hobbs' widow who isn't happy to see her.








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FBI Season 6 Episode 8 Quotes

Jubal: So if Mr. Sun is the perfumer, who is the cognoscenti?
Kelly: I have no idea what that means.

Tiffany: The federal government owns all this?
Detective: That's what they tell me.