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It's opening night at Thirio and the restaurant is completely empty. Tommy confronts Dion about whether he slept with Rie. Dion denies everything, and Tommy apologizes. 

Dion gets a text from the Tooth Fairy demanding his cocaine. The Tooth Fairy goes to visit his father in the hospital and finds Detective Giordano waiting for him. Detective Giordano confronts the Tooth Fairy about the shooting outside Thirio. 

The restaurant crew brainstorm ways to get publicity for the restaurant. Tommy convinces Dion to talk to his old mentor, Dante DiPaolo, a famous chef and food blogger. Together, they ask DiPaolo to visit Thirio and write about it on his blog. Dante accuses Dion of stealing his recipes after he groomed him for success and refuses. 

Andre, one of the school bullies, defaces a mural that TJ and Lee made and is suspended from school. At Tommy and Pilar's grief group, the conversation turns to rediscovering sex and romance. The group leader asks Pilar if she misses being intimate with her husband, Oscar. Pilar shares how Oscar would surprise her with romantic moments.

Dion gives the Tooth Fairy his cocaine back and confesses that he sold some of it to make money for restaurant. The Tooth Fairy takes him to a prime piece of waterfront real estate and asks him to help him open a restaurant with him there. He gives Dion 24 hours to think about it.

Tommy lures Pilar up to the rooftop greenhouse, where he surprises her with candles and flowers. He apologizes for being so preoccupied with his own problems that he has ignored how great she is. Marisa finds a random tooth on her bedside table -- a threat from the Tooth Fairy.

DiPaolo surprises everyone by showing up at Thirio fifteen minutes before closing time for a meal, telling Dion he is there to destroy him. Pilar and Tommy start to make out but are interrupted by Dion, who needs Tommy to come downstairs and deal with DiPaolo. Dion recruits TJ to help him out. Tommy tries to calm down Dion when he panics.

Marisa berates her father for antagonizing the Tooth Fairy. DiPaolo only takes one bite of his dessert, and Dion starts to freak out. However, Jensen runs out of the kitchen to show him that DiPaolo has been blogging about the meal the entire time -- and it's been all rave reviews. Thirio's phone starts ringing off the hook. Dion and the crew celebrate while Tommy enjoys a drink with DiPaolo.

Detective GIordano drives up to the restaurant and tells Dion he needs him to help kill the Tooth Fairy. Andre crank calls TJ pretending to be Rie, then threatens him. As Dion goes back inside Thirio, DiPaolo starts telling a story about the time Dion snuck away during a wedding they were catering in the Hamptons to "bang some hot black chick." Tommy realizes that Dion was lying to him about Rie. 

Feed the Beast
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Feed the Beast Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Maybe if I had a vagina you could have screwed your way to get me up to the Bronx. But, I have a penis.


Dion: Tommy and me are opening up a restaurant in the Bronx.
Dante: The Bronx? Why not Fallujah?