Under Pressure - For Life
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The Attorney General appoints Aaron as special prosecutor for Andy's case.

Aaron asks Safiyah to join him and Henry on the case.  

   They have no witnesses or footage and then police statements are sparse. Aaron and Masry go to the bodega to ask some questions. 

Staten Island is very pro life and they're stonewalling the team at every turn while also slandering Andy. 

   Ronnie is having a hard time after his arrest.

Safiyah and Aaron talk to Andy's son Marcel and find out that the reason he was pulled over conflicted with what the cops said, but his mother Elaine doesn't want him to testify. 

Sherwin, the bodega owner visits Elaine to return a toy and Safiyah asks him again about the video footage.

She hardballs him, promises to protect him, and wants to see the video. He gives it to her. 

Henry finds complaints against the cop who killed Andy. The department buried them.

Marie encourages Ronnie to talk and comforts him. 

   Henry proposes going for a lower charge and then getting a venue change to another borough with a new grand jury and new charges. 

   Aaron proposes making a backroom deal with the judge. He does and they speak in theoretics. It seems to go well.

Aaron goes for criminally negligent homicide. The community is outraged at the lowball and Elaine slaps Aaron. Jazz has to shut down the website. 

   Aaron asks Scotty for a later curfew and talks to him about being black and blue. Scotty gets cagey and thinks Aaron let them off too easy but knows he won't be able to get even the smallest charges to stick.

Ronnie tells Marie that he would like to speak to the officer who kneed him in the back and arrested him. The cop doesn't even remember him at first and Ronnie wants to know why he did it. Marie tells the cop how Ronnie is a good kid.

Masry is worried that they're going down a slippery slope. She thinks Aaron is too close to the case.  

   Masry has to get Sherwin to authenticate the video footage. 

The younger cop comes to apologize to Elaine.

Veronica, an attorney with the ACLU arrives to defend the cops. The cops found out about the new indictments because someone leaked them. 

The judge calls both into her quarters. The change of venue was a success, but she gets on Aaron for putting on a show. She allows manslaughter.  She speaks to him privately to talk about how Maskins didn't start off bad at first, it was all the little things along the way.  

   The community still thinks that they had to apply pressure to get the results so aren't fans of Aaron but Elaine figures it out.  She tells Aaron about the younger cop coming to apologize and knows that he's hiding something. 

   Because of the leak, they come and arrest Sherwin. They won't say for what reason. 

For Life
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For Life Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Ronnie: Dammit!
Jazz: What's wrong?
Ronnie: They're calling Andy a "thug," like we don't know what that's code for.

Careful what you promise, Jazz. Whatever you say now, you're speaking for him, and he's in the hot seat. 
