Man About Town - FROM Season 1 Episode 8
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Boyd packs for the woods, and Kenny asks him to talk to the town first, as the Colony House residents are now living in the town. But Boyd instructs Kenny to do it, and he goes to see Sara and asks her to take a walk.

Flashbacks reveal the day Boyd, Abby, and Ellis entered the town. Khatri urged them to exit their car and follow him as the sun set. After hearing a shrilling shriek, they follow Khatri underground, where they and others, including Donna, wait out the night.

Julie explains to her family what happened the night before, and as she breaks down, Jade barges into their house, looking to talk to Julie about Victor. Jade drags him out, and they discuss the radio tower. Jim thinks that they may be able to get a signal if they can build it over the tree line.

Jim and Jade travel to the Colony House and ask Donna if they can build the tower on top of the house. She agrees.

Boyd leaves Sara in a shack in the woods as he travels back to town to tie things up, promising to come back for her.

Further flashbacks show Khatri explaining that the residents in town merely try to live through each night. Boyd wants everyone to start looking out for each other, and over time, they develop the systems we see in the present day.

Tabitha explains to Julie that a piece of her broke the day Thomas died, and she still struggles with her relationship with Jim but is unsure if they will still get divorced.

Some townsfolk attempt to raid the diner, fearing what will happen now that the Colony House residents are also in town. Boyd stops them and then decides he can't leave with all the turmoil, but Kenny urges him to leave.

Flashbacks show Boyd finding animals in the woods. And it's revealed that he's been spending a lot of time scavenging in the woods. And when Ellis asks him to stop because Abby is struggling, Boyd promises that evening they will talk.

After seeing a dog in the woods, Boyd chases after it and gets lost. He stumbles into a stone area, and the monsters descend upon it but then disappear. Inside, Boyd finds the talisman, which he bundles up to take back into town the following day. As he heads into town, he hears gunshots.

In town, Abby is shooting people dead, believing that they are in a dream and that everyone will wake up if they die. When Abby turns the gun on Ellis, Boyd shoots her dead.

Boyd tells Ellis that he's leaving. And later, Fatima urges Ellis to make amends with Boyd before it's too late.

Ellis follows Boyd into the woods, where he apologizes to his father and tells him that it wasn't his fault. Ellis sees Sara in the shack, and Boyd urges him not to tell anyone he saw her.

Kenny gives a speech to the town, telling them that they are now a community. And Jim enlists their help with building the tower.

Boyd and Sara set off into the woods.


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FROM Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Lets take a walk.

Boyd [to Sara]

Kenny: Sheriff, the people need you right now. They need to hear that-
Boyd: What? They need to hear what? Everything's gonna be okay? That God's got a plan. Look, if you're gonna be the sheriff when I'm gone, you're going to need to start figuring out how to say things like that for yourself and sound halfway convincing. You'll do fine.