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Richard, Sid and Roberta rush to save the injured Galavant. They bring him to the healer, Neo of Sporin but he is incompetent. Galavant seems to be dead and the healer says he has been working on a potion to bring back the dead but he needs a gray beard hair from a virgin man. Richard agrees to give them the hair because he fits the description. 

Madalena, Gareth and Wormwood are plotting their war with Hortensia when Madalena lets it slip that she loves Gareth. Wormwood jumps back into wedding planner mode and it freaks Madalena out. Gareth is shocked because he has never been told "I love you" before. He sees the world with brand new eyes. 

In Hortensia, Isabella gets a "Save the Date" card from Wormwood for the invasion. Barry, Wormwood's assistant, sent the cards out by mistake. It is decided that Isabella will lead the troops against Wormwood, Madalena and Garerth, to her dismay.

She goes to the library to find a scroll to help her learn more about leading an army and saving everyone's lives. She is horrified when she learns that all of the weapons in Hortensia are children's toys, designed by her 11 year cousin, the King. 

In Sporin, they feed Galavant the potion but he doesn't wake up. In his mind, Galavant sees Death and realizes that he is dead. In the vision, he sees Isabella and hears her say that Galavant broke her heart. He tells Death that he can't die because he has to tell Isabella that he loves her. Instead of going "into the light," he knees Death in the nuts. 

Roberta urges Richard to say his goodbyes to Galavant but he is too sad. Roberta reveals her feeling for Richard and they nearly kiss but Galavant wakes up and interrupts them. 

Gareth confronts Madalena about her obvious discomfort with the idea of marriage. He tells her that he doesn't want to mess up what they have and that they can slow things down. Hand in hand, they rally their troops for war. 

Neo gives Galavant his half-dead army to use in his quest to save Isabella. 





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Galavant Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Please, you must save him. He's my bestie.


I'm sorry bunny, I suck at war. That's why our kingdom was taken by Richard in the first place.

King of Valencia