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PART I: Georgie is leery of Coop. Bobbie summons Lulu and Skye to the hospital as Luke is prepped for quadruple bypass surgery. Down the hall, Tracy urges a bristling Monica to absent herself from the OR while she's still grieving for Emily (Natalia Livingston). Nadine has a premonition of something terrible about to happen at the hospital. Luke overrules Tracy to give Monica approval for her to scrub in. Maxie (Kirsten Storms) agrees to look at a police line-up with her sister by her side.

PART II: Mac attacks Johnny as he's brought to the precinct. Bobbie spends some time with her ailing brother. Later, Skye slips in to see Luke as well. Neither Maxie nor Georgie is able to identify the assailant during the line-up. Jason explains to Spinelli how Lucky's (Greg Vaughan) refusal to take himself off the case might mean that Emily's killer will get away with murder. Lulu and Lucky visit their dad. Monica is startled by a vision of Emily as she begins Luke's surgery. Johnny spots a tearful Lulu clinging to Logan for comfort...

General Hospital
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