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Olivia tries to deny when Claudia boasts she knows Dominic is really Dante, Sonny's son. She demands that she end things with Johnny today.

Otherwise she says she will tell Sonny the truth about Dominic.

On the trail in Greece for Luke, Lulu and Ethan make it past the first security guard at the Cassadine island house but are nabbed once they step inside.

They beg off and end up at a local bar where Ethan spots Mischa. Mischa warns them that they are in grave danger.

She explains that she's been hired by an agency to take care of Mrs. Cassadine who is drifting in and out of consciousness.

When Lulu asks about Luke, Mischa admits that he's being held prisoner and urges them to get him out of the house because he's facing danger from someone Mr. Cassadine is terrified of, another Cassadine.

Nikolas confides to Robin that he and Elizabeth had sex and that she's run off. Later, when Lucky stops by for a chat about Elizabeth who has taken the kids for some time away from him, Nikolas panics when Spencer shows Lucky a drawing he did on the back of the note Elizabeth left for him.

Jason warns Sam that Michael was asking him about Claudia. Dominic panics when Sonny assigns him the task of "taking care of" the informant Tommy Soto he named earlier.

But when he offers to give Johnny the task, Dominic accepts the job. Jax and the kids press Carly to come up with a name for the little girl she's carrying.

Olivia advises Johnny that she can't make their relationship work anymore and ends things, telling him she doesn't love him. She adds that she loves Sonny.

Taking Tommy out to the woods, an armed Dominic asks him to testify against Sonny and the Zacchara family and he'll save his life.

What comes next? Find out in our General Hospital spoilers!

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