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As Lilly and Abby argue over a dress and food for Lilly's birthday party, Charlie points out a crack in the foundation of the house. 

At the office, Delia learns Lyla is taking a leave. Neither she nor Phoebe is happy.

Max tells an unhappy Abby and Jake they need a retaining wall. Or they can let the house slide on down the hill. They proceed to talk about what happened. Does he use protection with Becca? Charlie hits Abby in the face with a ball and then Lilly bounces in -- Becca is coming to her party!

Delia is at the office being hit on by Mr. Beach. It's gross.

Joseph Gordon Levitt wants to sit down with Jake about his screenplay very fast. When Becca shares it will probably make him a shoe-in for the assistant producer spot on Blood Sisters, he balks.

Abby meets with the gals and talks about Jake sex. She swears his dick has gotten bigger. Maybe he lost weight? Either way, the sex was exceptional. Her and Delia continue to talk about it as Phoebe runs off to Ralph. 

Ralph has a new woman. He even has a parting givt, other than sex.

Abby visits the doc and tells her about the unprotected sex. She then runs into Jake at the school and asks him to call off Becca from the party. She thinks she should just skip the whole thing and the two of them should host.

Al tells Delia he'll help out with Mr. Beach if she wants it and gives his legal opinion on Lyla. She's freakin' batshit.

Lyla wants to give Lilly a gift from her Emmy's gift bag, a watch running about $500. No, not a good idea. Jake and Becca then launch into a discussion about the birthday party. Becca says Lilly invited her, but she forgets Lilly is a child and doesn't really get to set her own guest list.

While Abby and Max are talking about the possibility of her being pregnant and how much she would love it, how much it meant to her to smell Lilly's head, knowing it was the love she always looked for, Lilly walks in and blames her for Lilly bowing out of the party.

Abby decided to call Becca to invite her to the party. While they wait to find out if she'll show up and turn the party on, they engage in Funyons and get a text from Lyla telling the stalkers she's fine. 

Becca shows up and all hell breaks loose. Suddenly Abby realizes the girls are likely all drunk, which is odd since it's a dry house. As Jake and Abby are searching, Jake finds the morning after pill.

Outside all of the girls are in the pool with tampons all around. They soaked them in vodka and their vagina were on fire. Soon all the parents were collecting the kids, calling Lilly a delinquent and Abby's books garbage.

Jake and Lilly talk about the pill. He notes the box wasn't opened. He's amazed to think she may want to keep it, but he's not angry either. He admits he misses it. Becca walks in and she takes Jake and leaves.

When Jake gets home he sees a message on his phone that Joseph Gordon Levitt is on board someone elses Ukraine movie. Before he can get his agent on the line, Becca confronts him about going to see Abby after the retreat. She wants to marry him and have kids, but he's still hung up on Abby. She kicks him out.

Abby and Lilly finally have a good mother/daughter chat. Lilly remembers Princess Jasmine and admits Abby makes the best cakes.

Jake Novak makes a call to a dude named Mark about directing Blood Sisters at the request of Becca.

Lyla calls Phoebe. She's in Portland. She's rented a house, bought a restaurant and convinced Dan to come, saying Portlandia doesn't do it justice.

Abby struggles over her decision to take the morning after pill. Does it still work several mornings later?

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce
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Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Delia, I cannot handle a lecture on how sleeping with your ex can change the date of your future separation.


OK, if you must, Joseph Gordon Levitt read the Ukraine script and apparently he flipped out over it.
