A Discovery - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 12
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Eight months ago, Mary Pat's husband dies while playing with her children in the front yard, but Mary Pat declines to tell the authorities so she can continue to recieve his diability checks. 

In present day, Beth and Dean tell the kids they're getting a divorce, while Beth also incessantly tries to get ahold of Rio. 

Turner goes to Ruby and Stan's church and tells them that he knows about the counterfeit money. 

Dean struggles at his new job and eventually gets fired. 

The ladies go to Mary Pat's house, but she is nowhere to be found. They track her to a local church, and take turns watching the church until she arrives. When confronted, she attempts to flee but the ladies take her and her kids back to Beth's house. 

Mary Pat reveals that she placed her husband in the refrigerator after he died. And after running over Boomer she took him to the backyard, but he was gone when she returned later. 

Annie goes to Marion's apartment to tell her that Boomer is alive. 

Later, Annie tells Noah that she knows he's in the FBI. He tells her that he loves her and they will figure everything out. 

Rio and Beth meet but he doesn't seem concerned about the Boomer situation. 

After seeing a suspicious charge on Marion's account, Annie goes back to Marion's and accuses her of hiding Boomer. Marion denies the accusation and asks Annie to leave. Annie comes back a few moments later to return Marion's keys and finds Boomer in the apartment. 

Good Girls
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Good Girls Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Ruby: Where is this bitch?
Annie: I don't know, but she is gonna go down for this because at this point the only murder that I would willingly do time for is hers.
Ruby: And then he'd have us on three bodies.

Annie: I've dated a lot of guys who pretend to be something that they're not.
Noah: Here's the thing with me, what you see is what you get.