Riding The Bus - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 10
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Beth starts attending a meeting with fellow addicts, while Annie and Ruby struggle to make ends meet now that they've stopped doing business with Rio. 

Beth jumps back into her duties at the children's school, and helps plan a Thanksgiving reception. 

Annie and Ruby decide to reach out to Rio themselves, without telling Beth. They come up with a plan to transport pills from Canada back to the United States using a trip Sara's troop is taking to a nursing home to get their service badges. 

While out shopping with the ladies for the Thanksgiving reception, Beth steals lip balm. 

After Annie tells Noah about the pills, Noah and Turner set up an operation to catch them at the dealership. 

Sara and her troop perform at the nursing home, while Annie, pretending to be Beth, gets the pill shipment and hides it in a cooler. When they get back on the bus, Ruby reveals that she ended up disposing the pills. 

Annie buys Sadie new boxers, but informs Sadie that she won't be able to purchase the hormone medicine yet. 

Rio warns Beth about the FBI raiding the dealership, and she gets there just in time to hide the books. 

The ladies disccuss the possibility that someone told the FBI about the pills. 

After coming up empty during the raid, Turner checks the bathroom Beth was holed up in again and notices the ceiling tile is askew. 

Good Girls
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Good Girls Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Ruby: So you're totally okay with all this?
Beth: What?
Annie: You know, actual book club.
Beth: I mean, what about you guys?
Annie: Well, kinda miss the money.
Ruby: Not gonna lie.

Stan: Oh, you're going to have your hands full.
Ruby: What are you talking about?
Stan: When I go away.