Shax - Good Omens
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Aziraphale picks a hitchhiker who turns out to be Shax. She’s convinced Gabriel is with Crowley who is protecting him in order to protect Aziraphale.

London 1941

A bomb lands on the building where Crowley and Aziraphale are confronting three Nazi agents. The agents do not survive the bomb, but Crowley manages to save the books Aziraphale is most concerned about.

In Hell, there’s a backlog of admissions as Nazis stack up in the waiting room. Shax is quickly processing her lot when her co-worker, Furfur, decides to take a break.

She follows him to the hellfire beverage dispenser and offers him a chance for promotion if he learns of any demons doing good on the sly. All she asks is that he does a favor for her someday if she asks.

Crowley takes Aziraphale with him to drop off some bootlegged booze at a showgirl revue.

The Nazis Crowley dispatched lodge complaints that they shouldn’t be dead. They blame Mr. Crowley and that gets Furfur’s attention. He takes their statement.

Crowley’s client is unhappy that her booze is smashed. She mentions that her magician’s been arrested. Aziraphale offers to be her magician.

Furfur offers the Nazis the opportunity to get out of Hell if they bring him proof of Crowley conspiring with an angel. He has a miracle blocker card to prevent Aziraphale from using angelic powers against them.

He informs them they will need to eat living human brains to survive as recently undead. He must be the one to collect the proof with a Hell camera. They can summon him with a ring.

The Nazis reanimate in the rubble of the bomb site. They eat the brains of a singing drunk and head to Aziraphale’s store.

Crowley wonders how Aziraphale will fill the West End stage with his magic act. He shows him his act and they head to a magic shop for something more impressive. The Nazi zombies follow.

At the magic shop, they find the Bullet Catch. The clerk tries to talk them out of it but Aziraphale buys it and leaves. The zombies come in and eat the clerk’s brains.

Aziraphale steps onto the stage. He’s a bit nervous. The zombies are in the theater. They summon Furfur to catch Crowley helping the angel.

The Bullet Catch works. Aziraphale is celebrating the success in the dressing room when Furfur comes in to inform Crowley he’s in breach of the Infernal Code. He brings the Nazi zombies in as witnesses.

He shows Crowley and Aziraphale the photograph of the two of them together.

The Nazi zombies expect to be turned back into non-zombies in return for providing the proof Furfur wanted. That was not part of the deal. They get to escape Hell but only as zombies.

When Furfur presents his case to the Dark Council, his evidence has been replaced with a handbill for the Ladies of Camelot. His request for transfer is denied.

Aziraphale and Crowley share some wine as Aziraphale explains that he used prestidigitation to switch the photo for a handbill.

In Hell in the present day, Shax goes to see Beelzebub to tell her Gabriel’s in the bookshop. She proposes storming the bookshop with a legion of Hell’s finest. Beelzebub gives the order.

Aziraphale returns to London and returns the Bentley to Crowley.


Good Omens
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Good Omens Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Aziraphale: I knew you’d come through for me. You always do.
Crowley: Well, you said, ‘Trust me.’
Aziraphale: And you did.

Aziraphale: You could’ve walked away. If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself, you would’ve done.
Crowley: Nah. That’s the trouble with you lot. You tend to see things in black and white. Sometimes, you just gotta blur the edges.