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The gang touches down on the planet and John searches for answers.

He finds the drawings, alongside one he doesn't remember.

He has flashes of his family having a great time there.

When he goes into the house, Cortana tries to recreate what it would have looked like.

Unfortunately, things take a turn and he realizes that Halsey was in his home with him pre-virus, meaning she lied to him.

John finds the artifact in the cave, and Halsey wonders what to do to get John back under control.

Miranda works with the other Spartans to find out more about what happened with the Covenant.

She's taken aback by Kai, who is showing emotion for the first time.

Kai has removed her chip to show emotion and uses her blood to change her hair up.

They form a bond and realize that Halsey has been playing them both.

Miranda understands that the Covenant are using a specific language and sets off on a mission to make sense of it.

Kwan and Sorren are hunted on Madrigal and the spaceship is taken apart, leading to some big changes.

They are trapped on the planet, with nowhere else to go. What will they do next?

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HALO Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Vinsher: You're late.
Franco: My sister was late to watch the kids.
Vinsher: With what I pay you, you should invest in proper childcare.

There's too much rebel blood running through this planet. The last thing I need is another Ha martyr. This must be done quietly and discreetly. This requires a professional.
