Learning the Truth
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The drama reaches boiling point as Halsey tries to make a devastating escape.

Kai tries to prevent the escape, but Halsey rushes off.

Kai crashes and almost dies, but she emerges victoriously.

Makee escapes with the artifact and takes it to the Covenant, who question her future because she didn't bring the "alien."

John and his allies make their way to the planet and a battle kicks off.

As Makee tries to save John when he's almost killed.

She goes to the HALO and we learn she wants to stay there.

John says he has to go back, but she refuses. In one of the most shocking scenes, Kai kills Makee, shooting her, bringing John back.

John knows he has no way forward, so he asks Cortana to take over to save everyone, and there's a chance he won't ever be able to return.

Cortana works her magic, wins the war, and brings everyone back.

But we don't know whether this is the end of John, or if there will be another way forward.

Halsey fakes her death and makes an escape from Reach.

Her daughter finds out the truth and is livid because she thought she had her mother in custody.

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HALO Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

She didn't bring the demon head.


It's not her. It's a clone.
