Together - Hanna Season 1 Episode 8
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Hanna and her "sister" Clara are hiding in the Bukovina Forest in Romania. A drone searching for them flies overhead. Clara hides while Hanna distracts the drone. Hanna submerges in a river until the drone leaves. The rest of the girls in the Utrax Program are moved to a new base of operation, "The Meadows" in Northern England. John Carmichael, a Utrax overseer, questions Marissa about the fall of the old Utrax facility. CIA Officer Terry Miller gets assigned to Utrax. Hanna and Clara steal guns. Hanna digs a capsule out of Clara's arm. The Utrax trainees meet Leo Garner and Joanne McCoy. Each trainee is given a profile to memorize as part of socialization training. Carmichael wants Marissa's help to recapture Clara for study. Carmichael tells Marissa he'll leave Hanna alone if she helps him catch Clara. Trainees Jules and Sandy try out their cover identities. Marissa questions Sandy about Clara. Clara is getting antsy living in the forest. Terry gets overwhelmed by the expectations at Utrax. Clara goes back to find the mother and daughter in the photo she had taken. The daughter gives her a lead on her mother. Hanna discovers Clara gone and hurries to track her. But the mother already is driving Clara to her mother's hotel in Bucharest. It's a trap for both Clara and Hanna. Jules informs Sandy that her family isn't real. The soldiers attacking Hanna hit a propane tank, causing an explosion. Clara finds Marissa at the hotel room. Marissa tries to recruit her back to Utrax. Soldiers recapture Clara when she attempts to leave. Carmichael admits they tried to catch Hanna and tells Marissa about the explosion. Hanna survives by hiding in the privy. She confronts the mother and daughter about where they dropped off Clara. Hanna finds Marissa at the hotel.


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Hanna Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

[The trainees] will live in the real world, normally, quietly. All we have to do is flip a switch and they'll do whatever we ask. One hundred percent deniability.

Carmichael [to Marissa]

Hanna: If we're never going to leave, then why are you training me?
Erik: Because one day I may not be here to protect you and you'll have to cope on your own.